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strefa angolul

strefa noun

area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc

Strefa 51 noun

Area 51noun
military base in Nevada rumored to contain extraterrestrial life

strefa abisalna noun

abyssal zonenoun
deep ocean

strefa abysalna noun

abyssal zonenoun
deep ocean

strefa afotyczna noun

aphotic zonenoun
that part an ocean or lake that receives insufficient sunlight for photosynthesis

strefa bezatomowa noun

nuclear-free zonenoun
area in which authorities have banned nuclear weapons and power stations

strefa buforowa noun

buffer zonenoun
neutral area

strefa czasowa noun

time zonenoun
range of longitudes where a common standard time is used

strefa dla pieszych noun

pedestrian precinctnoun
area for pedestrians

strefa erogenna noun

erogenous zonenoun
erogenous zone

strefa euro noun

those European Union members whose official currency is the euro

strefa fotyczna noun

photic zonenoun
that part an ocean or lake that receives sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis

Strefa Gazy noun

Gaza Stripnoun
Gaza Strip

strefa głębinowa noun

abyssal zonenoun
deep ocean

strefa komfortu noun

comfort zonenoun
circumstances in which a person feels relaxed

strefa wojenna noun

war zonenoun
region of ongoing war

strefa wojny noun

war zonenoun
region of ongoing war

strefa zakazu lotów noun

no-fly zonenoun
an airspace in which aircraft, especially military aircraft, are forbidden to fly

strefa zdemilitaryzowana noun

demilitarized zonenoun

strefa zero noun

ground zeronoun
point on the land or water surface below, at, or above the detonation of a nuclear bomb

strefa Złotowłosej

habitable zone

strefa Złotowłosej noun

Goldilocks zonenoun
the planetary zone that could sustain life

strefa śmierci noun

death zonenoun

szara strefa

grey economy

informal economy

informal sector

szara strefa noun

grey areanoun
area intermediate between two fuzzily-distinguished categories

grey marketnoun
the buying and selling of goods through distribution channels other than those authorized or intended by the manufacturer or producer