Lengyel-Angol szótár »

sobie angolul

sobie pronoun

me, reflexive form of me

a person's self: general form of himself, herself, themself or yourself

brać sobie do serca verb

take to heartverb
to take something seriously

Bóg pomaga tym, co sami sobie pomagają

God helps those who help themselves

cel sam w sobie noun

end in itselfnoun
something desired for itself

dać sobie w gaz verb

get drunkverb
to intoxicate oneself with alcohol

dać sobie w kanę verb

get drunkverb
to intoxicate oneself with alcohol

dać sobie w żyłę verb

get drunkverb
to intoxicate oneself with alcohol

dogadzający sobie adjective

exhibiting tendencies of self-indulgence

grabić sobie verb

shoot oneself in the footverb
to act against one's own interest

jak sobie chcesz verb

suit oneselfverb
do whatever you want

jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz

as you make your bed, so you must lie in ityou shall carry the burden of your poor preparation

as you make your bed, so you must lie on it

what goes around comes aroundactions have consequences

każdy sobie rzepkę skropie

every man for himselfforget about comradeship; save yourselves!

mieć na sobie verb

to have on (clothes)

odpuścić sobie verb

slack offverb
to be deliberately unproductive in one's work or study

owinąć sobie kogoś wokół palca verb

wrap around one's little fingerverb
to successfully control or influence

pluć sobie w brodę

kick oneself

pluć sobie w brodę verb

reproach oneself

podać sobie dłonie verb

intransitive: to shake hands

poradzić sobie verb

deal withverb
come to terms with successfully

hold one's ownverb
demonstrate oneself to be capable

To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful

posypać sobie głowę popiołem verb

wear sackcloth and ashesverb
to publicly express regret for something done wrong.

pozostawiać samemu sobie verb

leave someone to their own devicesverb
to leave alone, unsupervised, without assistance

pozostawić samemu sobie verb

leave someone to their own devicesverb
to leave alone, unsupervised, without assistance

przysposobienie noun

act of adopting, or state of being adopted

przywłaszczyć sobie verb

to take to oneself in exclusion of others

radzić sobie verb

deal withverb
come to terms with successfully

hold one's ownverb
demonstrate oneself to be capable

make doverb
to get by (with)

to face or deal with

rzecz sama w sobie noun

thing as it is independent of any conceptualization

sam jesteś sobie winien! verb

serve someone rightverb
serves you right!

sam w sobie

in and of itself

in and of oneself

in itself

sama jesteś sobie winna! verb

serve someone rightverb
serves you right!

skakać sobie do gardeł verb

jump down someone's throatverb
criticise with excessive and unexpected harshness