Lengyel-Angol szótár »

podatek angolul

podatek noun

the state or quality of being burdensome

money taken by government

podatek dochodowy noun

income taxnoun
tax levied on income

podatek kościelny

church tax

podatek majątkowy noun

wealth taxnoun

podatek od czynności cywilnoprawnych

stamp duty

podatek od dochodów kapitałowych noun

capital gains taxnoun
tax on profit made from selling capital

podatek od nieruchomości noun

property taxnoun
tax based on the value of property

podatek od towarów i usług noun

value added taxnoun
tax levied on added value of an exchange

podatek od wartości dodanej noun

value added taxnoun
tax levied on added value of an exchange

podatek od zysków kapitałowych noun

capital gains taxnoun
tax on profit made from selling capital

podatek pogłówny noun

poll taxnoun
uniform tax per individual

podatek progresywny noun

progressive taxnoun

podatek węglowy noun

carbon taxnoun
tax levied on the use of fossil fuels