Lengyel-Angol szótár »

małżeństwo angolul


marry couple

małżeństwo noun

state of being married

union of two people

married couplenoun
two people who are married to each other

małżeństwo aranżowane noun

arranged marriagenoun
marriage planned by someone else

małżeństwo homoseksualne noun

gay marriagenoun
marriage between two people of the same sex

małżeństwo jednopłciowe noun

gay marriagenoun
marriage between two people of the same sex

małżeństwo osób tej samej płci noun

gay marriagenoun
marriage between two people of the same sex

małżeństwo wymuszone

forced marriage

białe małżeństwo noun

white marriagenoun
unconsummated marriage

fikcyjne małżeństwo

marriage of convenience

sham marriage

lawendowe małżeństwo noun

lavender marriagenoun
male-female marriage intended to conceal non-heterosexuality