Lengyel-Angol szótár »

handel emisjami angolul

handel noun

large scale trade

buying and selling

handel narkotykami noun

drug traffickingnoun
smuggling, distribution and sale of drugs

handel detaliczny noun

sale of goods directly to the consumer

handel internetowy noun

commercial activity conducted via the Internet

handel ludźmi noun

human traffickingnoun
criminal activity in which people are recruited, etc. to serve an exploitative purpose

handel elektroniczny noun

commercial activity conducted via the Internet

handel zagraniczny noun

foreign tradenoun
trade between a country and other countries

handel wysokich częstotliwości noun

program tradingnoun
programmed trading

handel wysokiej częstotliwości noun

program tradingnoun
programmed trading

nielegalny handel akcjami noun

insider tradingnoun
trading of securities by a person who has privileged access to information