Lengyel-Angol szótár »

-ko angolul

menu kontekstowe noun

context menunoun
computing, GUI: a context-sensitive menu

metoda komorowa

chamber process

lead chamber process

lead-chamber process

mieć kontrolę

in the driver's seatin control

mieć na końcu języka

have something on the tip of the tongue

mieć nie po kolei w głowie verb

have bats in one's belfryverb
to be crazy or eccentric

mieć nie po kolei w głowie adjective

one brick short of a full loadadjective
not mentally sound; insane

mieć po kokardę

be fed up with

sick to the back teeth

między młotem a kowadłem

between a rock and a hard placehaving the choice between two unpleasant options

between a rock and a hard placein a difficult and inescapable position

between hell and high water

between Scylla and Charybdisidiomatic

between the devil and the deep blue sea

between the hammer and the anvilwith the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options

between wind and water

Międzynarodowy Dzień Kobiet

International Women's Day

migotanie komór

ventricular fibrillation

mineralna gęstość kości noun

bone densitynoun
bone mineral density

mleczko kokosowe noun

coconut milknoun
the liquid from inside the seed of the coconut

mleczko kosmetyczne noun

ointment that one rubs on the skin

mleko kozie noun


młot kowalski noun

kind of hammer

monarchia konstytucyjna noun

constitutional monarchynoun
monarchy limited by laws and a constitution

Morze Koralowe noun

Coral Seanoun
part of the Pacific Ocean

most Kopenhaga – Malmö noun

Oresund Bridgenoun

mówić jak ślepy o kolorach verb

talk through one's hatverb
to speak lacking knowledge

możesz konia doprowadzić do wodopoju, lecz pić za niego się nie da

you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drinkyou can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it

muszę korzystać z łazienki

I want to go to the toiletI want to go to the toilet

mysz komputerowa

computer mouse

mysz komputerowa noun

computing: input device

na co komu to

what's the good ofWhat is the purpose or advantage of

na jedno kopyto

after one fashion

na koncie

under one's beltwithin one's experience

na końcu języka

on the tip of one's tongueknown but not quite remembered

na końcu świata

at the end of the world

in the middle of nowhere

na koniec adverb


na koniec dnia

at the end of the dayin summary; ultimately


Korábban kerestél rá