Latin-Angol szótár »

simus angolul

adfluens [adfluentis (gen.), adfluentior -or -us, adfluentissimus -a -um] adjective

flowing / overflowing / abounding withadjective

adjunctus [adjuncta -um, adjunctior -or -us, adjunctissimus -a -um] adjective

[UK: ə.ˈdʒeɪsnt] [US: ə.ˈdʒeɪ.sənt]

bound / belonging toadjective

composite, joined in compound (word)adjective

[UK: ˈre.lə.vənt] [US: ˈre.lə.vənt]

adminiculatus [adminiculata -um, adminiculatior -or -us, adminiculatissimus -a -u] adjective

[UK: sə.ˈpɔː.tɪd] [US: sə.ˈpɔːr.təd]

well furnished / providedadjective

well stockedadjective

adolescens [adolescentis (gen.), adolescentior -or -us, adolescentissimus -a -um] adjective

minor (in reference to the younger of two having same name)adjective
[UK: ˈmaɪ.nə(r)] [US: ˈmaɪ.nər]

young, youthfuladjective

adparatus [adparata -um, adparatior -or -us, adparatissimus -a -um] adjective

[UK: ˈleɪb.əd] [US: ˈleɪb.r̩d]

prepared, equipped, readyadjective

splendid, elaborate, well-appointedadjective

adpetens [adpetentis (gen.), adpetentior -or -us, adpetentissimus -a -um] adjective

avaricious / greedy / covetousadjective

eager / greedy / having appetite for (w / GEN), desirousadjective

adpositus [adposita -um, adpositior -or -us, adpositissimus -a -um] adjective

adjacent, near, accessible, akinadjective

based uponadjective

fit, appropriate, aptadjective

[UK: ˈɒ.pə.zɪt] [US: ˈɑː.pə.zət]

adrectus [adrecta -um, adrectior -or -us, adrectissimus -a -um] adjective

erect, perpendicular, upright, standingadjective

excited, eageradjective

steep, precipitousadjective

adsiduus [adsidua -um, adsiduior -or -us, adsiduissimus -a -um] adjective

constant, regularadjective

landowning, first-classadjective

[UK: ˈɔː.dɪn.ri] [US: ˈɔːr.də.ˌne.ri]

unremitting, incessantadjective

adspectabilis [adspectabile, adspectabilior -or -us, adspectabilissimus -a -u] adjective

visible, able to be seenadjective

worthy to be seen, pleasing to look atadjective

adstrictus [adstricta -um, adstrictior -or -us, adstrictissimus -a -um] adjective


astringent (taste)adjective
[UK: ə.ˈstrɪn.dʒənt] [US: ə.ˈstrɪn.dʒənt]

bound (by rules), tiedadjective

constricted, dense, compactadjective

parsimonious, tightadjective

terse, brief, restrainedadjective

adtentus [adtenta -um, adtentior -or -us, adtentissimus -a -um] adjective

attentive, heedfuladjective

careful, conscientious, intentadjective

frugal, economicaladjective

adtenuatus [adtenuata -um, adtenuatior -or -us, adtenuatissimus -a -um] adjective

lessened, diminishedadjective

plain (style), bare, subduedadjective

thin, impoverishedadjective


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