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maria angolul

Maria [Mariae] (1st) F

Mary [Marys]noun
[UK: ˈmeər.i] [US: ˈmer.i]
How is Mary? = Ut Maria valet?

Marius [Maria, Marium] adjective

C. Marius, consul around 100 BCadjective

Marius, Roman gensadjective

Argentaria primaria Europaea proper noun

European Central Bank(central bank for the European Union)
proper noun
[UK: ˌjʊə.rə.ˈpɪən ˈsen.trəl bæŋk] [US: ˌjʊ.rə.ˈpiːən ˈsen.trəl ˈbæŋk]

Ave Maria noun

Hail Mary(prayer)
[UK: heɪl ˈmeər.i] [US: ˈheɪl ˈmer.i]

brumaria [brumariae] (1st) F

also called leontopodiumnoun

plant [plants]noun
[UK: plɑːnt] [US: ˈplænt]

calamarius [calamaria, calamarium] adjective

for holding pensadjective

pertaining to a writing reedadjective

decimarius [decimaria, decimarium] adjective

paying tithesadjective

pertaining to tithesadjective

subject to tithesadjective

diplomarius [diplomaria, diplomarium] adjective

having permit to travel by Imperial postadjective

Insulae Marianae Septentrionales proper noun

Northern Mariana Islands(archipelago)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˌme.ri.ˈæ.nə ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˌme.ri.ˈæ.nə ˈaɪ.ləndz]

ludus litterarius, educatio primaria noun

primary school [primary schools](first formal, obligatory school)
[UK: ˈpraɪ.mə.ri skuːl] [US: ˈpraɪ.ˌme.ri ˈskuːl]

Marylandia, Terra Mariae proper noun

Maryland(US state)
proper noun
[UK: ˈmeə.rɪ.lənd] [US: ˈme.rə.lənd]

nummarius [nummaria, nummarium] adjective

bribed with money, venaladjective

of / belonging to moneyadjective

Ordo domus Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum Ierosolimitanorum, Ordo Teutonicus proper noun

Teutonic Knights(order)
proper noun
[UK: tjuː.ˈtɒ.nɪk naɪts] [US: tjuː.ˈtɒ.nɪk ˈnaɪts]

plumarius [plumaria, plumarium] adjective

brocaded with a feather patternadjective

[UK: ɪmˈbro.ɪ.dəd] [US: em.ˌbrɔɪ.dərd]

of embroideryadjective

of soft feathersadjective

primarius [primaria, primarium] adjective

in the first rank, distinguishedadjective

Samaria [Samariae] (1st) F

middle district of Palestinenoun

[UK: ˌse.mə.ˈriːə] [US: ˌse.mə.ˈriːə]

Sancta Maria proper noun

Saint Mary(the mother of Jesus Christ)
proper noun

venalis, venale, nummarius, nummaria, nummarium adjective

venal(corrupt, mercenary)
[UK: ˈviː.nəl] [US: ˈviː.nəl]

vicesimarius [vicesimaria, vicesimarium] adjective

relating to the vicesimanus (soldier of 20th Legion)adjective

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