Latin-Angol szótár »

iacea angolul

iacea noun

hayrack(vertical drying-rack)
[UK: ˈheɪ.ræk] [US: ˈheɪ.ˌræk]

coriaceus [coriacea, coriaceum] adjective

of leather, made of leatheradjective

fordiaceus [fordiacea, fordiaceum] adjective

barley-, of / connected to barleyadjective

used as term of contemptadjective

hordiaceus [hordiacea, hordiaceum] adjective

barley-, of / connected to barleyadjective

used as term of contemptadjective

ordiaceus [ordiacea, ordiaceum] adjective

barley-, of / connected to barleyadjective

used as term of contemptadjective

sepiaceus [sepiacea, sepiaceum] adjective
