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aliqua angolul

aliqua adverb

somehow, in some way or another, by some means or otheradverb

to some extentadverb

aliqui [aliqua, aliquod] pronoun

[UK: ˈ] [US: ˈ]

[UK: sʌm] [US: ˈsəm]

aliquam adverb

largely, to a large extent, a lot ofadverb

aliquamdiu adverb

for some time, for a considerable time / distance (travel), for a whileadverb

aliquandiu adverb

for some time, for a considerable time / distance (travel), for a whileadverb

aliquando adverb

at lengthadverb
[UK: ət leŋθ] [US: ət ˈleŋkθ]

before too lateadverb

[UK: ˈfaɪ.nə.li] [US: ˈfaɪ.nə.li]

sometime (or other), at any time, everadverbI hope that you'll come visit us sometime. = Spero te nos aliquando visitaturum esse.

aliquantus [aliquanta, aliquantum] adjective

certain quantity / amount / number / size ofadjective

[UK: ˈmɒ.də.reɪt] [US: ˈmɑː.də.rət]

quite a quantity ofadjective

aliquantum [aliquanti] (2nd) N

a considerable quantitynoun

a part / bitnoun

certain / fair amount / number / degreenoun

aliquantillum [aliquantilli] (2nd) N

a little bitnoun
[UK: ə ˈlɪt.l̩ bɪt] [US: ə ˈlɪt.l̩ ˈbɪt]

very little indeednoun

very small amountnoun

aliquantisper adverb

for some time, for a whileadverb

aliquanto adverb

[UK: kən.ˈsɪ.də.rə.bli] [US: kən.ˈsɪ.də.rə.bli]

somewhat, to / by some (considerable) extent / amountadverb

aliquantorsum adverb

somewhat toward (place)adverb

aliquantulus [aliquantula, aliquantulum] adjective

a little / small amount / quantity / number / part / bit ofadjective

little, smalladjective

aliquantulum [aliquantuli] (2nd) N

a fair amount / good deal ofnoun

bit [bits]noun
[UK: bɪt] [US: ˈbɪt]

little / small amountnoun

[UK: ˈsʌm.θɪŋ] [US: ˈsʌm.θɪŋ]
I brought you a little something. = Aliquantulum tibi attuli.

aliquantulo adverb

slightly, somewhatadverb

to a little / small amount / bit / extentadverb

aliquantulum adverb

slightly, somewhatadverb

to a little / small amount / bit / extentadverb

aliquantum adverb

to some extent, in some degree, somewhat, slightly, a littleadverb

aliquatenus adverb

for a certain / restricted distance / time / degree / extentadverb

while, up to a pointadverb

semel, aliquando adverb

once(one and only one time)
[UK: wʌns] [US: ˈwəns]