Latin-Angol szótár »

alia angolul

Regnum Italiae proper noun

Ostrogothic Kingdom(kingdom of Italy founded by Theodoric the Great)
proper noun

Rhenania Septentrionalis et Vestfalia proper noun

North Rhine-Westphalia(state)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ raɪn ˈwest.ˌfe.liə] [US: ˈnɔːrθ ˈraɪn ˈwest.ˌfe.liə]

saliaris [saliaris, saliare] adjective

sumptuous, splendid, like feast of Mars (put on by Salii / priests of Mars)adjective

sandaliarius [sandaliaria, sandaliarium] adjective

relating to sandalsadjective

statue of Apollo on street of sandal makersadjective

Territoria Septentrio-Occidentalia proper noun

Northwest Territories(Territory in northern Canada)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ.ˈwest ˈte.rɪt.r̩iz] [US: ˌnɔːr.ˈθwest ˈte.rə.ˌtɔː.riz]

Thessalia proper noun

Thessaly(region of Greece)
proper noun

Versaliae proper noun

Versailles(city in Yvelines, Paris Region)
proper noun
[UK: verˈ.saɪ] [US: ver.ˈsaɪ]

Vestphalia, VVestphalia, Westphalia proper noun

Westphalia(province of Germany)
proper noun
[UK: ˈwest.ˌfe.liə] [US: ˈwest.ˌfe.liə]

Ītalia, Latina proper noun

Italy(country in southern Europe)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɪ.tə.li] [US: ˈɪ.tə.li]