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dokud angolul

dokud conjunction

as long as(while)
[UK: əz ˈlɒŋ əz] [US: ˈæz ˈlɔːŋ ˈæz]

dokud je žhavé verb

make hay while the sun shines(act while an opportunity exists)
[UK: ˈmeɪk heɪ waɪl ðə sʌn ʃaɪnz] [US: ˈmeɪk ˈheɪ ˈwaɪl ðə ˈsən ˈʃaɪnz]

strike while the iron is hot(act on an opportunity promptly)
[UK: straɪk waɪl ðə ˈaɪən ɪz hɒt] [US: ˈstraɪk ˈwaɪl ðə ˈaɪərn ˈɪz hɑːt]

strike while the iron is hot(act on an opportunity promptly)
[UK: straɪk waɪl ðə ˈaɪən ɪz hɒt] [US: ˈstraɪk ˈwaɪl ðə ˈaɪərn ˈɪz hɑːt]

dokud ne conjunction

unless(except on a specified condition)
[UK: ən.ˈles] [US: ən.ˈles]

dokud nepřeskočíš phrase

don't count your chickens before they're hatched(one should not depend upon a favorable outcome to one's plans until it is certain to occur)
[UK: dəʊnt kaʊnt jɔː(r) ˈtʃɪkɪnz bɪ.ˈfɔː(r) ˈðeə(r) hætʃt] [US: ˈdoʊnt ˈkaʊnt ˈjɔːr ˈtʃɪkənz bɪ.ˈfɔːr ˈðer ˈhætʃt]

dokud nás smrt nerozdělí adverb

till death do us part(phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment)
[UK: tɪl deθ duː ˈəs pɑːt] [US: ˈtɪl ˈdeθ ˈduː ˈəs ˈpɑːrt]

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