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slav románul

Slav (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language)
[UK: slɑːv]
[US: sˈlɑːv]

slav [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

slavă [~, slăvi, slava, slăvile, slăvii, slăvilor, ~, slăvilor]substantiv

slave [slaves] (person owned by another)
[UK: sleɪv]
[US: sˈleɪv]

rob [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

sclav [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

serv [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

șerb [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

slave [slaves] noun
[UK: sleɪv]
[US: sˈleɪv]

sclav [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

sclavă [~, sclave, sclava, sclavele, sclavei, sclavelor, sclavo, sclavelor]substantiv

slavery (condition in which one is captivated or subjugated)
[UK: ˈsleɪ.və.ri]
[US: sˈleɪ.və.ri]

sclavie [~, sclavii, sclavia, sclaviile, ~i, sclaviilor, ~, sclaviilor]substantiv

slavery (condition of servitude endured by a slave)
[UK: ˈsleɪ.və.ri]
[US: sˈleɪ.və.ri]

sclavie [~, sclavii, sclavia, sclaviile, ~i, sclaviilor, ~, sclaviilor]substantiv

slavery (institution or practice of owning human beings)
[UK: ˈsleɪ.və.ri]
[US: sˈleɪ.və.ri]

robie [~, robii, robia, robiile, ~i, robiilor, ~, robiilor]substantiv

sclavie [~, sclavii, sclavia, sclaviile, ~i, sclaviilor, ~, sclaviilor]substantiv

slavess noun

sclavă [~, sclave, sclava, sclavele, sclavei, sclavelor, sclavo, sclavelor]substantiv

Slavic (of the Slavs, their culture or languages)
[UK: ˈslɑː.vɪk]
[US: sˈlɑː.vɪk]

slav [~, slavi, slavă, slave]adjectiv

slavon [~, slavoni, slavonă, slavone]adjectiv

slavonesc [~, slavonești, slavonească, slavonești]adjectiv

Slavic studies (academic discipline)


Slavonia (region of Croatia)
proper noun
[UK: slə.ˈvəʊ.niə]
[US: sləˈvo.ʊ.niə]

Slavoniaproper noun

Balto-Slavic (of or pertaining o the Balto-Slavic language, people or culture)
[UK: ˈbɑːl.təʊ ˈslɑː.vɪk]
[US: ˈbɑːlto.ʊ sˈlɑː.vɪk]


Bratislava (the capital of Slovakia)
proper noun
[UK: ˌbræ.tɪ.ˈslɑː.və]
[US: ˌbræ.tɪ.ˈslɑː.və]

Bratislavaproper noun

Bratslav (town in Ukraine)
proper noun

Brațlavproper noun

enslave [enslaved, enslaving, enslaves] (to make subservient; to strip one of freedom; enthrall)
[UK: ɪn.ˈsleɪv]
[US: ens.ˈleɪv]

aservi [~, aservesc, aservească, ~t, IV]verbă

robi [~, robesc, robească, ~t, IV]verbă

înrobi [~, înrobesc, înrobească, ~t, IV]verbă

former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈfɔː.mə(r) ˈjuː.ɡəʊ.slɑːv rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˌmæ.sə.ˈdəʊ.niə]
[US: ˈfɔːr.mər ˈjuːɡo.ʊ.slɑːv ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˌmæ.səˈdo.ʊ.niə]

fosta Republică iugoslavă a Macedonieiproper noun

Interslavic (auxiliary Slavic language)
proper noun

limba interslavăproper noun

Interslavic (between Slavs or Slavic nations)


Old Church Slavonic (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language)
proper noun
[UK: əʊld tʃɜːtʃ slə.ˈvɒ.nɪk]
[US: oʊld ˈtʃɝːtʃ slə.ˈvɒ.nɪk]

(limba) slavă vecheproper noun

slavona bisericeascăproper noun

Proto-Slavic proper noun

limba slavă vecheproper noun

Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992)
proper noun

Republica Socialistă Federativă Iugoslaviaproper noun

Yugoslavia (former country in the Balkans)
proper noun
[UK: ˌjuː.ɡəʊ.ˈslɑː.vɪə]
[US: ˌjuːɡo.ʊ.ˈslɑː.vɪə]

Iugoslaviaproper noun

Yugoslavian [Yugoslavians] (a native of Yugoslavia)
[UK: ˌjuː.ɡəʊ.ˈslɑː.vɪən]
[US: ˌjuːɡo.ʊ.ˈslɑː.vɪən]

iugoslav [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

iugoslavă [~, iugoslave, iugoslava, iugoslavele, iugoslavei, iugoslavelor, iugoslavo, iugoslavelor]substantiv

Yugoslavian (of or relating to Yugoslavia)
[UK: ˌjuː.ɡəʊ.ˈslɑː.vɪən]
[US: ˌjuːɡo.ʊ.ˈslɑː.vɪən]

iugoslav [~, iugoslavi, iugoslavă, iugoslave]adjectiv