Angol-Román szótár »

-est románul

-est (second-person singular present tense of verbs)

-ezi [some 1st conjugation verbs]

-ești [some 4th conjugation verbs]

-i [most verbs]

-est (superlative of adjectives and adverbs)

after the demonstrative article]

mai [before the adjective or adverb

real estate (property that cannot easily be moved)
[UK: rɪəl ɪ.ˈsteɪt]
[US: riː.l̩ ə.ˈsteɪt]

imobil [~, ~e, ~ul, ~ele, ~ului, ~elor, ~ule, ~elor]substantiv

Republic of Estonia (official name of Estonia)
proper noun
[UK: rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv e.ˈstəʊ.niə]
[US: ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv eˈsto.ʊ.niə]

Republica Estoniaproper noun

self-esteem (confidence in one's own worth)
[UK: self ɪ.ˈstiːm]
[US: ˈself ə.ˈstiːm]

stimă de sinesubstantiv