Angol-Francia szótár »

tampere franciául

Tampere (city in Finland)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtæm.pə.rə]
[US: ˈtæm.pə.rə]

Tampere◼◼◼nom propre

tamper [tampered, tampering, tampers] (alter by making unauthorized changes)
[UK: ˈtæm.pə(r)]
[US: ˈtæm.pər]

trafiquer◼◼◼verbeThe police think that someone tampered with the brakes. = La police pense que quelqu'un a trafiqué les freins.


bidouiller [colloquial]◼◻◻verbe

bricoler◼◻◻verbeThe lock on my drawer had been tampered with and some of my papers were missing. = On avait bricolé la serrure de mon tiroir et certains de mes papiers étaient manquants.