Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

sertések dermatitisz és nefropátia szindrómája [porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome, pdns] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
sertések dermatitis és nefropátia szindrómája infoporcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome, PDNS, an immune complex mediated disease associated with abnormal stimulation of the immune system, a glomerulonephritis-dermatitis syndrome, a vascular disease affecting weaners and growing-finishing pigs

hudinflammation och njursjukdom hos grisar

sertések reprodukciós zavarokkal és légzőszeri tünetekkel járó szindrómája [P: togavírus] infoporcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, PRRS

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome [PRRS]

sertések repodukciós zavarokkal- és légzőszeri tünetekkel járó szindrómája infoporcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, PRRS, blue ear disease, include reproductive failure, pneumonia and increased susceptibility to secondary bacterial infection

reproduktivt och respiratoriskt syndrom av svin

sertések tüdőférgessége [P: Metastrongylus apri] [pneumohelminthosis suum] infopulmonary helminthiasis in pigs

lungmaskinfektion hos svin

sertések paratyphusa [P: Salmonella typhi suis serotypus] [salmonellosis suum] infoSalmonella in swins

salmonellos hos svin

fotókontakt dermatitisz [Berloque dermatitis, dermatitis photocontacta] infoBerloque dermatitis, photocontact dermatitis

berlockdermatit -en -erinfostrimmig l. fläckig pigmentering på halsen på ställen, där huden blivit överkänslig för solljus

vezikuláris dermatitisz [dermatitis vesicularis] infovesicular dermatitis

vesikulär dermatit

égéses dermatitisz [dermatitis ab igne, erythema ab igne] infoerythema ab igne, a rash characterized by a reticulated pattern of erythema and hyperpigmentation

dermatitis ab igne

kontakt-dermatitisz [ekcéma contactum, dermatitis allergica] infocontact dermatitis, an itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it

kontaktdermatit -en -er

atópiás dermatitisz [dermatitis atopica] infoatopic dermatitis

atopiska vinterfötter

nekrózisos dermatitisz [dermatitis necrotica] infonecrotic dermatitis, necrotizing dermatitis refers to those skin conditions in which there is death of tissue

nekrotisk dermatit

digitális dermatitisz [dermatitis digitalis] infodigital dermatitis

digital dermatit [DD]

sztázis-dermatitisz [dermatitis statica] infostasis dermatitis, skin changes caused by poor circulation and the resulting pooling of blood in the lower legs

stasdermatit -en -er

égéses dermatitisz [dermatitis ab igne, erythema ab igne] infoerythema ab igne, a skin condition caused by long-term exposure to heat, infrared radiation

erythema ab igne

amiloid nefropátia [nephropathia amyloida] infoamyloid nephropathy

amyloidnefropati -[e]n -erinfonjursjukdom med amyloidutfällning, renal amyloidosis

dermatitis herpetiformis [DH] infodermatitis herpetiformis, DH, celiac disease,a chronic, intensely itchy, blistering skin manifestation of gluten-sensitive enteropathy

dermatitis herpetiformis [DH]infoen IgA-medierad, ovanlig, kronisk, svart kliande blåssjukdom med debut mellan 20-55 år

Berloque dermatitis [dermatitis photocontacta] infoBerloque dermatitis, brown hyperpigmentation with or without preceding erythema is seen in a droplike or pendantlike configuration

fotokontakt dermatitinfofotokontaktdermatit

seborrhoeás dermatitis [rhinophyma] inforhinophyma, a skin disorder that causes the nose to enlarge and become red, bumpy, and bulbous

seborroiskt dermatitinfoseborroiskt eksem, mjälleksem

Brucella dermatitis [Brucella dermatitis] infoBrucella dermatitis

Brucellådermatit -en -er

fertőzéses dermatitis [dermatitis infectiosa] infoinfectious dermatitis

infektiös dermatit

toxicodendron-dermatitis [P: Toxicodendron] infotoxicodendron dermatitis, poison ivy dermatitis

toxicodendrondermatit -en -erinfoallergiskt kontakteksem orsakat av exponering för växter av släktet Toxicodendron

nummuláris dermatitis infonummular dermatitis, nummular eczema, develops in people who have hay fever or asthma

nummulär dermatit

sertések enzootiás bronchopneumoniája [P: Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae] [pneumonia enzootica suum] infoepidemic bronchopneumonia of pigs, mycoplasmal pneumonia, enzootic pneumonia

epidemisk pneumoni hos svin

bőrgyulladás · dermatitisz [dermatitis] infodermatitis, a common skin irritation

dermatit -en -erinfodermatitis, inflammation i huden

dermatitis -en -er

inflammation i huden

akut interstitiális nefropátia [nephropathia interstitialis acuta] infoacute interstitial nephropathy

acut interstitiell nefropati

Lovak Metabolikus Szindrómája infoEquine Metabolic Syndrome, EMS, inability to regulate blood insulin levels

Ekvint Metabolt Syndrom [EMS]

szarvasmarha hemorrhagiás szindrómája [bovine hemorrhagic syndrome] infohemorrhagic bowel syndrome [HBS], jejunal hemorrhage syndrome, bloody gut, clostridial enteritis, a sporadic, acute intestinal disease of milking cows

bovint hemorragiskt syndrom

pelenka okozta dermatitis [erythema gluteale] infodiaper rash, dermatitis on a baby's bottom, can make a baby's skin sore, red, scaly, and tender

erytem av blöjorinfoerythema av blöjor

fertőzéses ekcématoid dermatitis [eczematoid dermatitis infectiosa] infoinfectious eczematoid dermatitis. IED, an acute eczematous eruption triggered by purulent discharge from a primary infected site

mikrobiellt eksem

gyermekkori seborrheás dermatitis [seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis] infoinfantile seborrhoeic dermatitis, SD, a chronic, inflammatory, scaling skin condition,redness and a greasy scaling rash in infants and young children

seborroisk dermatit hos spädbarn

staphylococcusok okozta dermatitis [P: Staphylococcus pyogenes albus] [staphylodermia] infoStaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, Ritter disease, denudation of the skin caused by exotoxin producing strains of the Staphylococcus species

stafylodermi -n -er

melaninlerakódással járó dermatitis [melanodermatitis] infomelanodermatitis, dermatitis with a deposit of melanin in the skin

melanodermatitis [en]

fertőzéses ekcématoid dermatitis [infectiosus eczematoid dermatitis] infoinfectious eczematoid dermatitis

infektiös eksematoid dermatit

Cat Eye Syndrome [CES] · Schmid-Fraccaro-szindróma infocat eye syndrome, CES, Schmid–Fraccaro syndrome, a rare condition caused by an abnormal extra chromosome, i.e. a small supernumerary marker chromosome

katt ögon syndrom

general adaptation syndrome [GAS] [általános alkalmazkodási tünetcsoport] infogeneral adaptation syndrome, Selye's GAS

GASinfoallmänt anpassningssyndrom

blastomycosisos dermatitisz · bőrblastomycosis [dermatitis blastomycotica] infoblastomycotic dermatitis, cutaneous blastomycosis

blastomykotisk dermatit

dermatitis radioaktiv sugárzás miatt [radiodermatitis] inforadiodermatitis, dermatitis due to radioactive radiation

dermatit av radioaktiv strålning

dermatitis Liponyssoides sanguineus miatt [dermatitis Liponyssoides sanguineus] infodermatitis due to the mouse mite

dermatit av Liponyssoides sanguineus