Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

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UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
savó vércsoport-meghatározásra [haemotest] infoHemo test, indicator of monitoring the washing process, RRS, a rapid and high-accuracy test for detection of blood residues on the surfaces

haemotest -et · -en -er · -

savófehérje infowhey protein

vassleprotein -et -er

savókezelés · szérumkezelés · szérumos kezelés · szérumterápia [therapia cum sero] infoserum treatment

serumbehandling -en -ar

savómirigy [glandula serosa] infoserous gland, produce a watery secretion

körtel som avsöndrar tunnflytande sekret

savópár infoserum pair, whey pair

serumpar -et -

savós agyhártyagyulladás [meningitis serosa] infoserous meningitis, occurs spontaneously or in connection with some infective disease in the system

serös meningit

savós csülökirha gyulladás [laminitis, pododermatitis aseptica diffusa] [R] infolaminitis, a common, extremely painful and frequently recurrent condition in horses, ponies and donkeys, usually a consequence of an underlying hormonal disorder and/or an inflammatory condition

fång -eninfo[inflammation i lamelläderhuden i klövarna

savós exsudatióval járó bőrbetegség [serodermatosis] infoserodermatosis, skin disease with serous exudation, serous effusion into tissues of the epidermis

hudsjukdom med serös exsudation

savós exsudátum [exsudatum serosum] infoserous exudate, a type of exudate, forms a clear, thin, watery fluid with relatively low protein content, observed in acute or mild inflammation

serös exsudat

savós-fibrines ínhüvelygyulladás [tenosynovitis serofibrinosa, tendovaginitis serofibrinosa] infoserofibrinous tendovaginitis

serofibrinös senskideinflammation

savós-gennyes [seropurulens] infoseropurulent, consisting of a mixture of serum and pus

serös-purulent -a

savós gyermekágyi folyás [lochia serosa] infoserous lochia, lochia that has thinned and turned brownish or pink in color, contains serous exudate, erythrocytes, leukocytes, cervical mucus and microorganisms

seröst avslag

savós gyulladás [inflammatio exsudativa] infoserous inflammation, inflammation where the predominant feature is the production of a serum-like exudate

exsudativ inflammation

savós gyulladás [serositis, inflammatio serosa] infoserositis, inflammation of one or more your serous membranes

serös inflammation

savós gyülem a méhben [serometra] infoserometra, intrauterine fluid collection

serös ackumulering av livmodern

savós gátorüreg [cavitas medastinale serosum] infomediastinal serous cavity, MSC, a potential space in the caudal mediastinum between the parietal pleura, PP, of the right caudal lung lobe, rcl, and esophagus

mediastinum serös-hålighet

savós hashártya-gyulladás [peritonitis serosa] infoserous peritonitis

serös peritonit

savós hártya [[tunica] serosa] infotunica serosa, serous membrane, lines serous cavities

serös membraninfoseröst membran

savós hártya [membrana] serosa] infoserous membrane, lines body cavities that do not open directly to the outside

serös hinna

savós hártya [tunica serosa] infoserous membrane

yttre tunn hinna som består av ett lager endotelceller

savós hártya alatti kötőszövet [tela subserosa] infosubserosa, tela subserosa, a thin layer of tissue in the walls of various organs

bindvävnad under serösa membranet

savós hártya alatti szövet [tela subserosa] infosubserosa, tela subserosa, a thin layer of tissue in the walls of various organs

underliggande seröst bindvävsskikt

savós hártya felszíni hámja [mesothelium] infomesothelium, the epithelium that lines the pleurae, peritoneum, and pericardium

serös hinnas epithel

savós hártya körüli kötőszövet-gyulladás [parasynovitis] infoparasynovitis, inflammation of the connective tissue around the serous membrane

parasynovit -en -er

savós hártya mellüregi lemeze [pleura parietalis] infoparietal pleura, pectoral plate of serous membrane

lungsäcksbladet utanför pleura

savós hólyag a bőrön [seropapula] infoseropapule, small elevation of the skin, usually less than 1 cm in diameter, that forms following inflammation

vattniga blåsor på huden

savós légmell [seropneumothorax] infoserous pneumothorax

serös pneumothorax

savós mellhártyagyulladás [pleuritis serosa] infoserous pleurisy, wet pleurisy, a fluid buildup around the lungs from the inflamed tissue

serös pleurit

savós mirigy [glandula serosa] infoserous gland, produces a watery secretion

serös körtel

savós nyálmirigy [glandula serosa] infoserous glandula, the parotid contains serous acini and makes watery serous saliva

serös spottkörtel

savós perisplenitis [perisplenitis serosa] infoperisplenitis serosa, Inflammation of the serous covering of the spleen

inflammation i peritoneala ytan av mjälte

savós petefészek-gyulladás [oophoritis serosa] infoserous oophoritis, serous inflammation of the ovary

serös ooforit

savós szalag [ligamentum serosum] infoserous ligament, peritoneal folds attaching certain of the viscera to the abdominal wall or to each other

seröst ligament

savós szívbelhártya-gyulladás [endocarditis serosa] infoserous endocarditis, early form of endocarditis rheumatica, activation of the complement system leads to a reddish, glassy swelling of the heart valves. If progresses can cause endocarditis verrucosa

serös endokardit

savós szívburokgyulladás [pericarditis serosa] infoserous pericarditis, a layer of serosa that lines the fibrous pericardium [parietal layer]

exsudativ perikardit

savós · serosai [serosus] infoserous, of, resembling, or producing serum

serös -t -a

savós ínhüvely [vagina mucosa tendinis] infoserous tendon sheath

serös senskida

savós üreg [cavum serosum] infoserous cavity, lined by mesothelium

seröst hålrum

savóshártyák gyulladása [polyserositis] infopolyserositis, PS, inflammation of the intestinal serosa

samtidig inflammation i flera av de serösa hinnorna

savóshártyák gyulladása [polyserositis] infopolyserositis, PS, the inflammation, with effusion, of different serous membranes

polyserosit -en -er