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nyelvverőér nyelvháti ágai [arteria linguales rami dorsales linguae] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
nyelvartéria nyelvháti ágai [arteria linguales rami dorsales linguae] inforami dorsales linguae, lingual artery branches towards the dorsum of the tongue

tungartärs grenar mot tungryggen

nyirokcsomók arteria mesenterica superior vékonybeleket ellátó ágai mentén [nodi lymphatici superiores centrales] infolymph nodes located along the branches of the superior mesenteric artery supplying the small intestines [jejunum, ileum]

lymfknutar längs grenar övre tarmkäksartär

arteria [artéria, ütőér, verőér] infoa.


nyelvháti dudor [torus linguae] infotorus linguae, a swelling across the tongue laterally which pushes food against the hard palate

upphöjning på bakre delen av ovansidan av tunganinfohos ruminanter

nyelvháti dudor [torus linguae] infotorus linguae, a swelling across the tongue laterally which pushes food against the hard palate n ruminants

tungsvulst -en -arinfohos nöt

maxillaris ágai [rami nervi maxillaris] infobranches of maxillary nerve

grenar av maxillaris

arteria parotis [arteria glandulae parotideae] infoparotid artery

artär av parotiskörtel

arteria pterygoidei [arteria pterygoidei] infoartery of the pterygoid canal

artär i pterygoid kanalen

ciliaris arteria [arteria ciliaris] infociliary artery, supply the rectus muscles, conjunctiva, and sclera

ciliär artär

legkisebb arteria [metarteriola, praecapillaris] infometarteriole, a branch of the smallest arteriole that connects it to the capillary bed

metarteriol -en -er

arteria iliaca aneurysmája [aneurysma iliaca] infoiliac artery aneurysm

iliaca-aneurysm -et -

arteria vertebrobasilaris-szindróma infotransient ischemic attack within the supply area of the vertebral artery and basilar artery

arteria vertebrobasilaris-syndrominfotransitorisk ischemisk attack inom försörjningsområdet för arteria vertebralis och arteria basilaris

arteria temporalis szövetmintavétele [biopsia [arteriae] [temporalis] infotemporal artery biopsy, a procedure to remove a section of the artery for testing

temporalisbiopsi -n -er

arteria carotis szindróma infocarotid artery disease, carotid artery stenosis

arteria carotis-syndrom

arteria tympanica anterior infoanterior tympanic artery

anterior tympanisk artär

arteria pulmonalis-stenosis [stenosis arteriae pulmonalis] infopulmonary artery stenosis, narrowing in the pulmonary artery, a large blood vessel that connects the right ventricle to the lungs

förträngning av arteria pulmonalis

gerincidegek sugaras ágai [fila radicularia nervorum spinalium] inforadial branches of spinal nerves

radiella grenar av spinal nerver

bolygóideg hörgői ágai [rami bronchiales nervi vagi] infothe vagus nerve branches into bronchi

vagusnerven grenar till bronker

tövisnyúlvány ventrális ágai [rami ventrales] infospinous process, serves to attach muscles and ligaments

spinalutskott som löper i sulcus costae

arcideg járomcsonti ágai [rami zygomatici] infozygomatic branches of the facial nerve, malar branches

zygomatiska grenar av ansiktsnerven

arteria cerebri media-szindróma infomiddle cerebral artery syndrome, the blood supply from the middle cerebral artery [MCA] is restricted

arteria cerebri media-syndrom

arteria cerebri anterior-szindróma infoanterior cerebral artery syndrome, the blood supply from the anterior cerebral artery [ACA] is restricted

arteria cerebri anterior-syndrom

arteria-véna közötti összeköttetés [communicatio arteriovenosa] infoarteriovenous malformation [AVM], anomalous communications between arterial and venous system

anslutningar mellan artärer och vener

arteria cerebri posterior-szindróma infoposterior cerebral artery syndrome, the blood supply from the posterior cerebral artery [PCA] is restricted

arteria cerebri posterior-syndrom

arcideg pofához vezető ágai [rami buccales nervi facialis] infobranches of the facial nerve leading to the cheek

grenar av ansiktsnerv ledande till ansiktet

nyaki köteg háti ágai [rami dorsales plexus cervicalis] infodorsal branches of the cervical bundle

dorsala bakre grenar av halsflätan

bolygóideg tüdőhöz vezető ágai [rami pulmonales nervi vagi] infothe vagus nerve branches to the lung

vagusnerven grenar till lunga

bolygóideg paraszimpatikus hasi ágai [rami gastrici, rami hepatici, rami coeliaci nervi vagi] infoparasympathetic abdominal branches of the vagus nerve

vagusnervens parasympatiska bukgrenar

bolygóideg szívhez vezető ágai [rami cardiaci nervi vagi] infothe vagus nerve branches to the heart

vagusnerven grenar till hjärtat

bordaközi artéria izomi ágai [arteria intercostalis rami musculares] infomuscular branches of intercostal artery

interkostal artär muskulära grenar

bolygóideg paraszimpatikus mellüregi ágai [rami cardiaci, rami pulmonales, rami esophagei nervi vagi] infoparasympathetic thoracic branches of the vagus nerve

vagusnervens parasympatiska brösthålsgrenar

bordaközi artéria átfúródó ágai [arteria intercostalis rami perforantes] infoperforating branches of intercostal artery

interkostal artär perforerande grenar

szimpatikus törzs hörgői ágai [rami interganglionares trunci sympathici] infothe nerve strands interconnecting the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk

bronkiell grenar av sympatiska bålen

arcideg homlokhoz vezető ágai [rami frontales nervi facialis] infofrontal branches of facial nerve

av ansiktsnerven till pannan ledande grenar

az arcideg izomi ágai [rami musculares nervi facialis] infomuscular branches of the facial nerve

ansiktsnervens större muskelgrenar

a felső kisagyi arteria [arteria cerebelli superior] infothe superior cerebellar artery, SCA

den övre lillhjärnsartär

arteria iliaca emboliája és rögösödése infoembolism and thrombosis of the iliac artery

arteria iliaca emboli

arteria ovaricát körülfonó petefészki idegfonat [plexus ovaricus] infoovarian plexus

äggstock plexus

nyelvartéria · nyelvütőér · nyelvverőér [arteria lingalis] infolingual artery, a branch of the external carotid artery between the superior thyroid and facial arteries

lingual artär

szaglórostok végső ágai az orrüregben [fila olfactoria] infofila olfactoria, olfactory epithelium, these synapse in the olfactory bulb

nervtrådar som leder luktimpulser