Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

keresztbe rakott karral betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
külső szemzugot keresztbe leragaszt [T] infocross tape outer corner of eye, glues the outer corner of the eye crosswise

korstejpa yttre ögonvråninfotejpas runt ögat för att skydda det mot uttorkning, -skada

külső karral párhuzamos mag [nucleus parabrachialis lateralis] infolateral parabrachial nucleus [LPBN], located in the dorsolateral pons

yttre parabrachialiskärnan

középső karral párhuzamos mag [nucleus parabrachialis medialis] infomedial parabrachial nucleus, one of the three main nuclei in the parabrachial area at the junction of the midbrain and the pons

inre parabrachialiskärnan

karhoz tartozó · kari · karral kapcsolatos [brachialis] infobrachial, of, relating to, or situated in the arm or an armlike process

brakial -t -a