Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

alkoholos befolyás alatt levő [alcoholisatus, intoxicatus] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
alkoholos befolyás alatt álló [alcoholisatus, intoxicatus] infounder the influence of alcohol

alkoholpåverkad alkoholpåverkatinfoär under påverkan av alkohol

alkoholos [alcoholicus] infoalcoholic

alkohol -t -ainfoinnehållande sprit

alkoholisk -t -a

alkoholos [pl. it] [alcoholicus] infoalcoholic

alkoholhaltig -t -ainfoinnehållande alkohol

alkoholos cirrózis [cirrhosis alcoholica] infoalcoholic cirrhosis, a late stage of scarring [fibrosis] of the liver

alkoholcirrhos -en -erinfoalkoholcirros, kronisk alkoholisk leversjukdom

alkoholos törlő [abstergens contentus alcoholi] infoalcoholic whip

alkoholsvabb -en -arinfoalkoholdesinfektionsservett

alkoholos epilepszia [epilepsia alcoholica] infoalcoholic epilepsy,withdrawal convulsions, tetany-like withdrawal convulsions and alcohol-induced epileptic fits

alkohol epilepsi

alkoholos zsírmáj [hepar cysticum alcoholicum] infoalcoholic fatty liver, fatty liver disease, hepatic steatosis

alkoholorsakad fetlever

alkoholos sérülés [laesio alcoholica] infoalcoholic injury

alkoholskada -n alkoholskador

alkoholos kendő [mitella alcoholica] [T] infoalcohol wipe, ultra-quick drying, smear-free disinfection wipe

alkoholduk -en -ar

alkoholos demencia [dementia alcoholica] infoalcohol related dementia, a form of dementia related to the excessive drinking of alcohol

alkoholbetingad demens

alkoholos pszichózis [psychosis alcoholica] infoalcoholic psychosis, alcohol-induced psychosis, psychotic condition that can occur as a result of alcohol abuse

alkoholpsykos -en -er

alkoholos hőmérő [T] infoalcohol thermometer, spirit thermometer

alkoholtermometer -n alkoholtermometrar

alkoholos gastritis [gastritis alcoholica] infoalcoholic gastritis is caused by drinking too much, too often

alkoholorsakad gastritinfoalkoholinducerad magskada

alkoholos elmezavar [delirium tremens] infoalcoholic mental disorder

alkoholförorsakad förvirring

alkoholos hallucinózis [hallucinosis alcoholica] infoalcoholic hallucinosis, a rare complication of chronic alcohol abuse

alkoholhallucinos -en -erinfoalkoholisk psykos med hallucinationer

alkoholos oldat [solutio alcoholica] infoalcoholic solution

alkohollösning -en -ar

alkoholos kardiomiopátia [cardiomyopathia alcoholica] infoalcoholic cardiomyopathy, the heart changes shape because of long-term heavy alcohol use

alkoholkardiomyopati -[e]n -er

alkoholos miopátia [myopathia alcoholica] infoalcoholic myopathy, loss of function and strength in the skeletal muscles in response to long-term or heavy drinking

alkoholymyopati -[e]n -er -erinfoalkoholinducerad muskelskada

alkoholos encephalopathia [encephalopathia alkoholica] infoencephalopathy caused of alcoholic cirrhosis

alkoholutlöst encefalopati

alkoholos üdítő [it] infoalcoholic soft drink

alkoläsk -en -erinfoalkoholhaltig läskedryck

alkoholos hallucinózis [hallucinosis alcoholica] infoalcoholic hallucinosis, a rare complication of chronic alcohol abuse characterized by predominantly auditory hallucinations

alkohol hallucinos

alkoholos oldat [tinctura, tinct.] infoalcoholic solution

alkoholhaltig lösning

alkoholos demencia [dementia alcoholica] infoalcoholic dementia

alkoholdemens -en

erősen alkoholos [pl. ital] [continens quantum amplum alcoholi] infohighly alcoholic

alkoholstark -t -ainfomed hög alkoholhalt

medencében levő [endopelvicus] infoendopelvic, within the pelvis

endopelvisk -t -a

alkoholos hasnyálmirigy-gyulladás [pancreatitis alcoholica] infoalcoholic pancreatitis [AP], a necroinflammatory disease resulting from exocrine cell destruction by infiltrating inflammatory cells

alkoholpankreatit -en -erinfoalkoholinducerad pankreatit

színezett alkoholos klórhexidin [Alcoholum chlorhexidinicum coloratum] infoalcoholic coloured chlorhexidine solution, for cutaneous application, disinfectant and antiseptic

färgad klorhexidinsprit

Alsol-alkoholos oldat [R] infoAlsol alcoholic solution

Alsolsprit -eninfomedel vid sår- o. brännskador

nyakon levő hátizom [musculus splenius capitis] infosplenius capitis, a broad, straplike muscle in the back of the neck

remmuskel -n remmuskler

vörösvésejtekben levő élősködő [erythroparasita, haemoparasita] infoerythrocytic parasite, a parasite found in the red blood cell

erythroparasit -en -er

látótérben levő defektus [scotoma absoluta] infodefect in field of view

absolutskotom -et

rendellenes helyen levő [heterotop] infoheterotopic, occurring in an abnormal place

heterotop -t -ainfonormalt uppbyggd vävnad hamnar i felaktigt anatomiskt läge

szemhéjbőr irharétegében levő [intradermopalpebralis] infointradermopalpebral

intradermopalpebral -t -a

nyelőcső varicositas alkoholos májbetegségben [varix oeasophagi] infoesophageal varicosity in alcoholism

esofagusvaricer vid alkoholorsakad leversjukdom

gyomorban levő idegen test [corpus alienum ventriculi] infoforeign body in the stomach

främmande föremal i magsäcken

székletben levő Coli-baktérium infoColi bacteria in feces

fekal kolibakterie

szaruhártyán levő kötőszöveti köteg [f.r.] [persistentia membran[a]e pupillaris] infopersistent pupillary membrane, PPM, appears as fine iris strands along the pupil, which are remnants of anterior tunica vasculosa lentis

persistent pupillärmembran

petevezető eredésénél levő szűkület [isthmus tubae uterinae] infotubal narrowing at the origin of the Fallopian tube

medial, trang tredjedel av tuban

tonsillák felszínén levő bemélyedés [lacuna tonsillaris] infodepression on the surface of the tonsils

indrag på ytan av tonsillerinfotonsillar luckor