Szinonima-Angol szótár »

war angolul

war noun
generic term

proxy warnoun

psychological warfarenoun

punic warnoun

russo-japanese warnoun

seven years' warnoun

sino-japanese warnoun

six day warnoun

six-day warnoun

spanish warnoun

spanish-american warnoun

thirty years' warnoun

trench warfarenoun

trojan warnoun


vietnam warnoun

war of 1812noun

war of greek independencenoun

war of nervesnoun

war of the austrian successionnoun

war of the grand alliancenoun

war of the league of augsburgnoun

war of the rosesnoun

war of the spanish successionnoun

wars of the rosesnoun

world warnoun

yom kippur warnoun

War Admiral noun

war admiralnoun

war advocacy noun


War between the States noun

american civil warnoun

united states civil warnoun

war between the statesnoun

war cry noun

battle crynoun

rallying crynoun

war whoopnoun


War Department noun

war departmentnoun

war god noun

god of warnoun

war machine noun

armed forcesnoun

armed servicesnoun

military machinenoun