Szinonima-Angol szótár »

kepler angolul

Kepler noun

johan keplernoun

johannes keplernoun


Kepler's first law noun

kepler's first lawnoun

Kepler's law noun

kepler's lawnoun

kepler's law of planetary motionnoun

Kepler's law noun
generic term

harmonic lawnoun

kepler's first lawnoun

kepler's second lawnoun

kepler's third lawnoun

law of areasnoun

law of equal areasnoun

Kepler's law of planetary motion noun

kepler's lawnoun

kepler's law of planetary motionnoun

Kepler's law of planetary motion noun
generic term

harmonic lawnoun

kepler's first lawnoun

kepler's second lawnoun

kepler's third lawnoun

law of areasnoun

law of equal areasnoun

Kepler's second law noun

kepler's second lawnoun

law of areasnoun

law of equal areasnoun

Kepler's third law noun

harmonic lawnoun

kepler's third lawnoun

Johan Kepler noun

johan keplernoun

johannes keplernoun


Johannes Kepler noun

johan keplernoun

johannes keplernoun
