Szinonima-Angol szótár »

great angolul

great power noun

world powernoun

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution noun

cultural revolutionnoun

great proletarian cultural revolutionnoun

Great Pyramid noun

great pyramidnoun

pyramids of egyptnoun

Great Pyrenees noun

great pyreneesnoun

great ragweed noun

ambrosia trifidanoun

Great Revolt noun

great revoltnoun

peasant's revoltnoun

Great Rift Valley noun

great rift valleynoun

Great Russian noun

great russiannoun

Great Salt Desert noun


great salt desertnoun

kavir desertnoun

Great Salt Lake noun

great salt lakenoun

Great Sandy Desert noun

ar rimsalnoun


great sandy desertnoun

rub al-khalinoun

great saphenous vein noun

long saphenous veinnoun

Great Schism noun

great schismnoun

great seal noun
generic term

great seal of the united statesnoun

Great Seal of the United States noun

great seal of the united statesnoun

great skua noun

catharacta skuanoun

Great Slave Lake noun

great slave lakenoun

Great Smoky Mountains noun

great smoky mountainsnoun

Great Smoky Mountains National Park noun

great smoky mountains national parknoun

great snipe noun

gallinago medianoun

woodcock snipenoun

great Solomon's-seal noun

great solomon's-sealnoun

polygonatum biflorumnoun

polygonatum commutatumnoun

great St John's wort noun

great st john's wortnoun

hypericum ascyronnoun

hypericum pyramidatumnoun

great toe noun

big toenoun


great-uncle noun


Great Victoria Desert noun

great victoria desertnoun

Great Wall noun

chinese wallnoun