Szinonima-Angol szótár »

fenestra angolul

fenestra noun
generic term

fenestra cochleaenoun

fenestra of the cochleanoun

fenestra of the vestibulenoun

fenestra ovalisnoun

fenestra rotundanoun

fenestra vestibulinoun

oval windownoun

round windownoun

fenestra cochleae noun

fenestra of the cochleanoun

fenestra rotundanoun

round windownoun

fenestra of the cochlea noun

fenestra cochleaenoun

fenestra rotundanoun

round windownoun

fenestra of the vestibule noun

fenestra ovalisnoun

fenestra vestibulinoun

oval windownoun

fenestra ovalis noun

fenestra of the vestibulenoun

fenestra vestibulinoun

oval windownoun

fenestra rotunda noun

fenestra cochleaenoun

fenestra of the cochleanoun

round windownoun

fenestra vestibuli noun

fenestra of the vestibulenoun

fenestra ovalisnoun

oval windownoun

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