Szinonima-Angol szótár »

childbirth angolul

childbirth noun



vaginal birthnoun

childbirth noun
generic term

active birthnoun

alternative birthnoun

alternative birthingnoun

natural childbirthnoun

Bradley method of childbirth noun

bradley methodnoun

bradley method of childbirthnoun

Lamaze method of childbirth noun

lamaze methodnoun

lamaze method of childbirthnoun

Leboyer method of childbirth noun

leboyer methodnoun

leboyer method of childbirthnoun

natural childbirth noun
generic term

bradley methodnoun

bradley method of childbirthnoun

lamaze methodnoun

lamaze method of childbirthnoun

leboyer methodnoun

leboyer method of childbirthnoun

read methodnoun

read method of childbirthnoun

natural childbirth adjective
related term


Read method of childbirth noun

read methodnoun

read method of childbirthnoun