Szinonima-Angol szótár »

cedar angolul

cedar noun
generic term

yellow cedarnoun

yellow cypressnoun

cedar-apple rust noun

apple rustnoun

gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianaenoun

cedar elm noun

ulmus crassifolianoun

cedar mahogany noun

african scented mahoganynoun

entandrophragma cylindricumnoun

sapele mahoganynoun

cedar nut noun

cembra nutnoun

cedar of Goa noun

cedar of goanoun

cupressus lusitanicanoun

mexican cypressnoun

portuguese cypressnoun

cedar of Lebanon noun

cedar of lebanonnoun

cedrus libaninoun

Cedar Rapids noun

cedar rapidsnoun

cedar-scented adjective
similar term


cedar tree noun


true cedarnoun

cedar tree noun
generic term

alaska cedarnoun

atlantic white cedarnoun

atlas cedarnoun

austrocedrus chilensisnoun

calocedrus decurrensnoun

cedar of lebanonnoun

cedrus atlanticanoun

cedrus deodaranoun

cedrus libaninoun

chamaecyparis lawsoniananoun

chamaecyparis nootkatensisnoun

chamaecyparis thyoidesnoun

chilean cedarnoun

coast white cedarnoun

cryptomeria japonicanoun


deodar cedarnoun

himalayan cedarnoun

incense cedarnoun

japan cedarnoun

japanese cedarnoun