Szinonima-Angol szótár »

artery angolul

artery noun
generic term


artery of the labyrinthnoun

artery of the penis bulbnoun

artery of the vestibule bulbnoun

ascending arterynoun

auricular arterynoun

axillary arterynoun

basilar arterynoun

brachial arterynoun

bronchial arterynoun

buccal arterynoun

capillary arterynoun

carotid arterynoun

celiac arterynoun

celiac trunknoun

central artery of the retinanoun

cerebellar arterynoun

cerebral arterynoun

cervical arterynoun

choroidal arterynoun

ciliary arterynoun

circle of willisnoun

circumflex arterynoun

colic arterynoun

communicating arterynoun

coronary arterynoun

cystic arterynoun

digital arteriesnoun

epigastric arterynoun

ethmoidal arterynoun

femoral arterynoun

gastric arterynoun

gluteal arterynoun

hepatic arterynoun

ileal arterynoun

ileocolic arterynoun

iliac arterynoun

iliolumbar arterynoun

infraorbital arterynoun

innominate arterynoun