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свет angolul

Светски трговински центар proper noun

Twin Towers(the two main buildings of the World Trade Center)
proper noun
[UK: twɪn ˈtaʊəz] [US: ˈtwɪn ˈtaʊərz]

Светӣ Дух proper noun
{m}, Дух Светӣ {m}

Holy Spirit(Christian: person of the Holy Trinity)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ˈspɪ.rɪt] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈspɪ.rət]

светӣљка noun
{f}, свјетӣљка {f}, лампа {f}

lamp [lamps](device producing light)
[UK: læmp] [US: ˈlæmp]

lamp [lamps](oil device producing light)
[UK: læmp] [US: ˈlæmp]

osvetoljubiv, осветољубив adjective

vengeful(wanting vengeance)
[UK: ˈvendʒ.fəl] [US: ˈvendʒ.fəl]

Svi sveti, Сви свети proper noun

All Saints' Day(feast day)
proper noun
[UK: ɔːl ˈseɪnts deɪ] [US: ɔːl ˈseɪnts ˈdeɪ]

Бог Свети Дух proper noun

God the Holy Ghost(person of the Trinity)
proper noun

брзина светлости, brzina svetlosti, брзина свјетлости, brzina svjetlosti noun

speed of light(the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum)
[UK: spiːd əv laɪt] [US: ˈspiːd əv ˈlaɪt]

Ватра светог Елма noun

St. Elmo's fire(electrical discharge)
[UK: seɪnt] [US: ˈstriːt]

крај света noun
{m}, крај свијета {m}

end of the worldnoun
[UK: end əv ðə wɜːld] [US: ˈend əv ðə ˈwɝːld]

end of the world(any change that seems catastrophic or devastating)
[UK: end əv ðə wɜːld] [US: ˈend əv ðə ˈwɝːld]

најстарија професија на свету noun

world's oldest profession(euphemism for prostitution)

нека буде светлост, нека буде свјетлост phrase

let there be lightphrase

освета noun
{f}, одмазда {f}

revenge(retaliatory action)
[UK: rɪ.ˈvendʒ] [US: ri.ˈvendʒ]

осветнӣк noun
{m}, осветница {f}

avenger [avengers](one who avenges or vindicates; as, an avenger of blood)
[UK: ə.ˈven.dʒə(r)] [US: ə.ˈven.dʒər]

Пролаз Светог Ђорђа (Croatia) proper noun
{m}, Пролаз Светог Јурја {m}

St George's Channel(channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean)
proper noun

сунчева светлост noun
{f}, сунчева свјетлост {f}

sunlight [sunlights](electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun)
[UK: ˈsʌn.laɪt] [US: ˈsʌn.ˌlaɪt]

sunshine(direct rays of the sun)
[UK: ˈsʌn.ʃaɪn] [US: ˈsʌn.ˌʃaɪn]

тон, камера, акција!, светла, камера, акција! phrase

lights, camera, action(traditional cue at a beginning of a take)

Црква Исуса Христа светаца последњих дана proper noun

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement)
proper noun