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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
Niferex infobehandling av, eller för att förhindra, järnbrist

NiferexinfoNiferex, a dietary iron supplement

nikotinamid-nukleotidadenylyltransferas -en -er

nukleáris NAD-szintézisben résztvevő homohexamer-enziminfonicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase, NMNAT, enzymes that catalyzes the chemical reaction ATP + nicotinamide mononucleotide ⇌ \rightleftharpoons diphosphate + NAD+

oangiograferad oangiograferat

angiográfiálhatatlan · nem angiográfiálhatóinfonon-angiographic, not angiographic

ocklusala interferenser

okklúziós interferenciákinfoocclusal interferences

odifferentierat endometriellt sarkom

differenciálatlan endometriális szarkomainfoundifferentiated uterine sarcoma,s a rare and aggressive tumor, with a poor prognosis

odifferentierat lymfom

differenciálatlan lymphoma · Burkitt-limfóma [BL] [lymphoma non-dilata Burkitti]infoundifferentiated lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL

olivainferiorkomplex -et -

alsó-olivamag-komplexum [nucleus olivaris inferior]infoinferior olivary, IO, nuclei complex, includes the principal olive, PO, and the medial and dorsal accessory olives, MAO and DAO, functions as a relay station between the spine and cerebellum

ornitin alaninaminotransferas infoenzym

ornitin-amino-transzferázinfoornithine aminotransferase enzyme,OAT, catalyzes the transfer of the delta-amino group from L-ornithine

ornitin karbamoyltransferas-brist

ornitin-karbamoil-transzferáz enzimhiányinfoOrnithine transcarbamylase deficiency, the most common of the urea cycle disorders, that prevents the breakdown and excretion of ammonia, this allows ammonia to accumulate, rising to toxic levels where it affects the central nervous system

pådrivande lillhjärnsefferens

ingerlő kisagyi efferensinfoexcitatory cerebellar efferent

palissad retinal perifer degeneration

palisade ideghártya degeneratio [palisade retinal degeneration]infopalisade retinal degeneration, equatorial retinal degeneration

perifer artär emboli

perifériás ütőérembolia [embolismus arterialis peripheralis]infoperipheral arterial embolism

perifer artärsjukdom

perifériás artériabetegség · perifériás ütőérbetegség · perifériás verőérbetegség [peripheral arterial disease, PAD]infoperipheral arterial disease, PAD, in the legs or lower extremities is the narrowing or blockage of the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the legs

perifer blodcirkulationsrubbning

perifériás keringési rendellenességinfodisturbed peripheral blood flow

perifer cirkulationssvikt infoperifer cirkulatorisk insufficiens

perifériás keringési elégtelenség · shock [shock]infoperipheral circulatory failure, shock

perifer del av lungans gångsystem

tüdőléghólyagocska-csatorna [ductus alveolaris]infoalveolar duct, passageways between bronchioles and alveolar sacs that transport oxygen in and carbon dioxide out

perifer dentin infomantel dentin

perifériás dentin · dentinköpeny [mantle dentine]infoperipheral dentine, mantle dentine

perifer kärlsjukdom

perifériás érbántalom [angiopathia]infoangiopathy, disease of the arteries, veins, and capillaries

perifer neuropati

környéki idegbántalom [neuropathia peripherialis]infoperipheral neuropathy

perifer pares

környéki bénulás [paresis periphericus]infoperipheral paresis involves a nerve which is damaged along its course in the arms or legs

perifer stemcellstransplantation

környéki őssejt-transzplantációinfosurrounding stem cell transplantation, donation av stamceller från perifert blod, PBSC

perifer tätning

széli zárásinfoborder seal, peripheral seal, the peripheral contact between a restoration and the prepared tooth tissue

perifera nervsystemet infoden del av nervsystemet som ligger utanför kraniet o. ryggmärgskanalen

környéki idegrendszer [systema nervorum-, nervosum-, periphericum, PNS]infoperipheral nervous system, PNS

periferisk optisk neurit

látóideg perifériás gyulladása [neuritis nervi optici peripherica]infoperipheral optic neuritis, peripheral inflammation of the optic nerve

Pfeiffers syndrom

Pfeiffer-szindróma [f.r.] [craniosynostosis]infoPfeiffer syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, premature fusion of certain skull bones [craniosynostosis]

pink puffer infoandfådd person med flämtande andning och skär hy

rózsaszín arc [légszomj rózsás bőrrel]infopink puffer, patients breathing rapidly with panlobular emphysema

plasmaferes -en -er

plazmaferézis [plasmaferesis]infoplasmapheresis, a therapeutic intervention that involves extracorporeal removal, return, or exchange of blood plasma or components

poliferationsfas av livmoderslemhinnan i den månatliga cykeln

méhnyálkahártya burjánzásának szakasza a havi ciklusban [stadium proliferationis]infostage of proliferation of the endometrium in the monthly cycle

preproliferativ retinopati

pre-proliferativ retinopatia [retinopathia praeproliferativa]infopre-proliferative retinopathy, scar tissue and new blood vessels, which are weak and bleed easily, develop on the retina, this can result in some loss of vision

proliferativ förtjockning av benhinnan orsakad av inflammation

hosszú csöves csontok megvastagodással járó csonthártyagyulladása [pachyperiostitis]infopachyperiostitis, periostitis of long bones resulting in abnormal thickness of affected bones

proliferativ inflammation

szövetsarjadzással járó gyulladás [inflammatio proliferativa]infoproliferative inflammation, inflammatory reaction in which the distinguishing feature is an actual increase in the number of tissue cells

prolifererande retinit

vérzéses kötőszövet-képződéssel járó szemideghártya-gyulladás [retinitis proliferans]inforetinitis proliferans, neovascularization of the retina associated especially with diabetic retinopathy

ränna inferiort om spina scapulae

lapocka tövis alatti árka [fossa infraspinata]infoinfraspinous fossa

refererad smärta

hivatkozott fájdalom · utalt fájdalominforeferred pain, pain perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus, origin

retande lillhjärnsefferens

ingerlő kisagyi efferensinfoexcitatory cerebellar efferent

ringblixt för intraoral fotografering infofotoblixt som är utformad som en ring

körvillanó intraorális fotózáshozinforing flash, circular flash for intraoral photography, get an image that is totally shadowless

sjuklig förändring i nerverna i perifera nervsystemet

periférikus idegrendszer idegeinek kóros elváltozása [neuropathia]infoneuropathy, disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves, causing numbness or weakness

solitär periferisk cysta

magányos széli ciszta [cysta peripherica solitaria]infosolitary periphery cyst

somatisk afferens

szomatikus afferens [somaticus afferens]infosomatic afferent

somatisk efferens

szomatikus efferens [somaticus efferens]infosomatic efferent

