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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
ektropium pga konjunktiva proliferation

szemhéjkifordulás kötőhártya burjánzásban [ectropium luxurians]infoeyelid prolapse in conjunctival proliferation

embryo transfer

embrióbeültetésinfoembryo implantation

embryo transfer med komplikationer

embrióbeültetési szövődményekinfoproblems with embryo implantation

embryotransfer -n

embrióátvitel · embriótranszfer · peteátültetés [embryotransfer, embryotransplantatio]infoembryo transfer, the final procedure of the in vitro fertilization process that involves transfer of one or more embryos into the uterine cavity

endoferment -et -

endofermentum [endofermentum]infoendoferment

enzym neomycinfosfotransferas [NPT II]

neomicin-foszfotranszferáz enzim [NPT II]infoneomycin phosphotransferase enzyme, NPT II, the most widely used selectable marker in the transformation of organisms including yeast, Dictyostelium discoideum, mammals, and plants

ergokalciferol -en

D2-vitamin · ergokalciferol [vitaminum D2, Ergocalciferolum]infoErgocalciferol, vitamin D2

exciterande lillhjärnsefferens

ingerlő kisagyi efferensinfostimulating cerebellar efferent

extrakorporal fotoferes

extracorporális fotóferesis [photopheresis extracorporalis]infoextracorporeal photopheresis, blood is removed from the body and treated with ultraviolet light and drugs that become active when exposed to light

fasettlederna mellan processus articularis superior et inferior

ízület a csigolyák [processus articularis superior vertebrae és a processus articularis inferior vertebrae] között [articulationes zypapophysiales]infointervertebral joints, joint between the vertebrae

förbindelse mellan vena umilicalis och vena cava inferior i fostret

magzati összeköttetés a venae umbilicales és a vena cava inferior között [ductus venosus Arantii]infoductus venosus of Arantius, shunts a portion of umbilical vein blood flow directly to the inferior vena cava in the fetus

fosfotransferas -en -er

foszfotranszferáz enziminfophosphotransferase enzyme

fotoferes -en -er

fotoferesis [photoferesis]infophotopheresis, white blood cells are treated with a photoactive drug which is then activated with ultravioulet [UV] light

fysiologisk infertilitet

élettani meddőség [infertilitas physiologica]infophysiological cause of infertility, can include ovulatory disorders, endometriosis, low sperm count or low testosterone

gamma-efferent -en -er

gamma-efferens [gamma-efferens]infogamma-efferent, the efferent part of the fusimotor system

gamma-glutamyltransferas -en -er infoenzym

gamma-glutamil-transzferázinfogamma-glutamyl transferase, GGT, an enzyme that's mainly found in the liver

gamma-interferon -en

gammai-nterferoninfogamma interferon, an interferon that is produced by T cells, regulates the immune response

gamma-tokoferol -et

gammatokoferol [Gamma tocopherolum]infogamma-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol is the most abundant tocopherol in the diet

gammaglobulin transfer

gammaglobulin transzferinfogamma globulin transfer

gammainterferon test

gamma-interferon-tesztinfogamma interferon test, interferon gamma release assay, IGRA, test, a blood test used to see whether a person has been exposed to the tuberculosis, TB, bacteria

GAR formyl transferas infoenzym

GAR formil-transzferázinfophosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase, GAR transformylase, GART, is an essential enzyme that catalyzes the third step in de novo purine

gatstensliknande retinal perifer degeneration

kockakőszerű ideghártya degeneratioinfopavingstone [cobblestone] degeneration, cobblestoning in the eyes, giant papillae [with a cobblestone appearance] on the tarsal conjunctiva

gliacellsproliferation -en -er

gliasejt-proliferáció [proliferatio gliae]infoglial cell proliferation

glomerulussjukdom vid lecitin-kolesterol-acyltransferasbrist

glomerulopathia lecithin-cholesterin acyltransferase [enzim] hiánybaninfoglomerulopathy lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase [enzyme deficiency

glutamatoxaloacetataminotransferas -en -er [GOAT] infoenzym

glutamát-oxálacetát-aminotranszferáz [GOAT]infoglutamate oxaloacetate aminotransferase, GOAT, enzyme

glutation S-transferas infoenzym

glutation S-transzferázinfoglutathione S-transferase, GSTs, ligandin, enzyme

glycin N-metyltransferas infoenzym

glicin N-metil transzferázinfoglycine N-methyltransferase enzyme, S-adenosyl-L-methionine:glycine, converts the compounds glycine and S-adenosylmethionine to N-methylglycine and S-adenosylhomocysteine

glykosyltransferas -en -er infoenzym

glikozil transzferázinfoglycosyl transferase enzyme, responsible for the initiation and elongation of glycan chains on mucins as they transfer activated sugar residues to the proper acceptor.

Ia-afferenta nervtråden

Ia-afferens idegszálakinfoIa-afferent nerve fibers, primary afferent fibers, rapidly conducting sensory fibers that originate from muscle spindle primary endings, which constantly monitors the rate at which a muscle stretch changes

immuninterferon -et -

immuninterferon [interferonum immunologicum]infoimmune interferon

immunproliferativ rubbning i tunntarmen

immunproliferativ bélbetegség [morbus intestinalis immunproliferativus]infoimmunoproliferative small intestinal disease, IPSID, a variant of the B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT

infektion orsakad av Borrelia burgdorferi

Borrelia burgdorferi okozta fertőzés [borreliosis burgdorferi]infoinfection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi

inferiodorsal -t -a

alsó hátsó · inferiodorzális [inferior dorsalis]infoinferiodorsal, lower back

inferior colliculus

ikertelep dombja középső agyvelő tetőlemezén [colliculus mesencephali [corporis quadrigemini]]infoinferior colliculus, a paired structure in the midbrain, which serves as an important relay point for auditory information as it travels from the inner ear to the auditory cortex

inflammation med proliferation av hornlagret i huden

bőr szarurétegének gyulladása [keratodermatitis]infokeratodermatitis, Inflammation with proliferation of the horny layer of the skin

infusio direkt i periferi ven

perifériás vénába közvetlenül adott infúzióinfoinfusion given directly into a peripheral vein

interdigital proliferation

interdigitális proliferáció [proliferatio interdigitalis]infointerdigital proliferation, proliferation of interdigital cells

interferon -et - infohormonliknande äggviteämne i alla celler, mobiliseras o. ökar i mängd vid virusinfektioner

interferon [IFN alfa, IFNß, IFNgamma] [Interferon, IFN]infointerferon, IFN, a natural substance that helps the body's immune system fight infection and other diseases, such as cancer

interferon alfa

alfa-interferon [interferonum alfa]infoalpha interferon, a cytokine produced by the innate immune system in response to environmental exposures including viral infections

Interferon alpha-2-lösning, koncentrerad

tömény alfa-2-interferonoldat [Interferoni alfa-2 solutio concentrata]infointerferon alfa-2 concentrated solution, a solution of a protein that is produced according to the information coded by the alfa-2 sub-species of interferon alfa gene and that exerts non-specific antiviral activity

