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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
Ferguson peang haemorrhoid böjd infoför kastration av hund o. gris

Ferguson angiotribeinfoFerguson angiotribe forceps, used to control bleeding from a blood vessel

Fergusons horntång

Ferguson patacsípőfogó [forceps ungulae Fergusoni]infoFerguson horn forceps

Ferguson´s reflex

Ferguson reflexinfoFerguson reflex, the fetal distension of the cervix stimulates a series of neuroendocrine responses, leading to oxytocin production

ferredoxin -et

ferredoxin [fd]infoferredoxin, Fd, iron–sulfur protein, prosthetic group

ferredoxin-NADP-reduktas infoenzym

ferredoxin-NADP-reduktázinfoFerredoxin—NADP[+] reductase,FNR, an enzyme

ferrikloridhexahydrat -et - · -er infojärn[III]klorid hexahydrat

Ferriklorid-hexahidrát [Ferri chloridum hexahydricum]infoFerric chloride hexahydrate, Iron trichloride hexahydrate, an astringent

ferriprotoporfyrin -et -er

ferri-protoporfirin [hemoglobin enzimes lebontási terméke]infoferri-protoporphyrin, an enzymatic degradation product of hemoglobin

ferritin -et infojärnhaltigt protein i tarmslemhinnans celler, i levern o. i mjälten

ferritin [Ferritinum]infoferritin, iron-containing protein in the cells of the intestinal mucosa, in the liver and in the spleen

ferrofumarat -et

Vas[II]-fumarát [Ferrosi fumaras]infoIron [II] fumarate, Ferrous fumarate, used to supplement iron intake

ferroglukonat -et

Ferroglukonát · vas[II]-glükonát [Ferrosi gluconas]infoFerrogluconate, Ferrous gluconate, used as an iron supplement

ferroglycinsulfatkomplex -et -

Ferroglicin-szulfát komplex [complexum Ferrogycini sulfas]infoFerroglycine sulfate complex, an iron supplement

ferrokelatas infoenzym

ferrokelatáz [porphyrin-metal chelatase]infoferrochelatase, porphyrin-metal chelatase enzyme

ferrosulfat -et -er · -

Ferroszulfát · Vas-szulfát [Ferrum sulphuricum]infoFerrosulfate, Ferrous sulfate, a dietary supplement

ferrosulfatheptahydrat -et - · -er

vas[II]-szulfát-heptahidrát [Ferrosi sulfas heptahydricus]infoFerrous sulfate heptahydrate, Iron[II] Sulfate Heptahydrate, an anti-anaemic and a reducing agent

fertil eunukoidism infofertilt eunuck-syndrom

Pasqualini-szindróma · fertilis eunuch-szindrómainfoPasqualini's syndrome, fertile eunuch syndrome, a cause of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism caused by a luteinizing hormone deficiency


…hordozó · …hozó · … vivő [pl. transferens] […ferens]info… ferens

1,4-alfa-D-glucan 6-alfa-D-glucosyl transferase infoenzym

1,4-alfa-D-glükán 6-alfa-D-glikozil transzferázinfo1,4-alpha-d-glucan 6-alpha-d-glucosyl transferase enzim

4-alfa-D-ß-glukanotransferas -en -er infoenzymsystem för glykogennedbrytning

4-alfa-D-ß-glukanotranszferáz [glikogénbontó enzimrendszer] [enzymum 4-glikosiltranssferasi]infoglycogen degrading enzyme system, 4-alpha-d-ß-glucanotransferase enzym

acetylserotonin N-metyltransferas -en -er infoenzym

acetilszerotonin N-metil-transzferáz [enzim, acetylserotonin]infoN-methyltransferase enzyme

acetyltransferas -en -er infotransacetylas enzym

acetiltranszferáz [transzacetiláz enzim]infotransacetylase enzyme, acetyltransferase enzyme

acyltransferase -n infotransacylas enzym

aciltranszferáz [transzaciláz enzim] [acyltransferasum]infotransacylase enzyme, acyltransferase enzyme

adenin fosforibosil transferase infoenzym som katalyserar adenin + PRPP = AMP + PP-reaktionen

adenin foszforibozil transzferázinfoAPRT enzyme, catalyzes the AMP + PP reaction, adenine phosphoribosil transferase enyzme

aferes -en -er infoåterförande av återstående komponenterna till blodomloppet i slutet av blodbehandlingen

aferézis [vérfeldolgozás végén a maradó komponensek vérkeringésbe visszajuttatása] [apheresis]infothe blood of a person is passed through an apparatus that separates out one particular constituent and returns the remainder to the circulation, apheresis

afferent - -a infotillhörande, inåtledande

afferens · felszálló [afferens]infoafferent

afferent impuls infostimulans från det omgivande organet till regleringscentret

afferens impulzus [a környéki szervből a regulációs központba térő serkentő inger] [impulsus afferens]infostimulus from the surrounding organ to the regulatory center, incoming excitation

afferent kärl

szervhez vezető vérér [vas afferens]infoblood vessel leading to an organ, afferent vessel

afferent nerv infocentripetalt ledande nerv

afferens ideg · centripetálisan vezető ideg [nervus afferens]infocentripetally leading nerve, afferent nerve

afferent nervtråd

afferens idegszál [filum nervi afferentis]infoafferent nerve fiber

afferenta banor infonervös

afferens pályákinfoafferent neural pathways

afferenta bansystem infonervös

afferens pályarendszerinfoafferent nervous system

alaninaminotransferas -en -er [ALAT] infoenzym

alanin-aminotranszferáz [alaninum amino-transpherasum, ALAT]infoalanine aminotransferase [ALAT]

alfa-tokoferol -en -er infosyntetisk tokoferol, E 307

alfa-tokoferol [antioxidáns]infoalpha-tocopherol, a potent antioxidant and the most biologically active form of vitamin E

alfa-tokoferylacetat pulver

alfa-tokoferilacetát por [alfa-Tocopherylis acetatis pulvis]infoalpha-tocopheryl acetate powder, ATA powder, a specific form of vitamin E in skin care products and dietary supplements

all-rac-alfa-tokoferol -en -er

szintetikus alfa-tokoferol [alpha-tocopherolum syntheticum]infosynthetic alpha-tocopherol

all-rac-alfa-tokoferylacetat -et -er · -

szintetikus alfa-tokoferol-acetát [int-rac-alpha-tocopherolis acetas]infosynthetic alpha-tocopherol acetate

allergen, Apis mellifera venom

mézelőméh-méregallergéninfohoneybee venom allergen

aminotransferas -en -er infoenzym

amino-transzferáz [amino-transpherasum, amino-pherasum, transaminasum]infoaminotransferase

aminotransferas homodimer enzym

amino-transzferáz homodimer enzim [glutaminsav-1-szemialdehid 2,1-amino-mutáz]infoaminotransferase homodimeric enzyme

aminotransferasmönster aminotransferasmönstret

amino-transzferáz-minta [specimen amino-transferasi]infoaminotransferase sample

aminotransferasstegring -en -ar

amino-transzferáz-emelkedés [vid något-valaminél] [ascensio amino-transferasi]infoaminotransferase elevation

