Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
endosalt nålimplantat infoendostealt nålimplantat

endooszteális tűimplantátuminfoendoosteal needle implant

endoskop -et -

endoszkóp [endoscopum]infoendoscope, an instrument which can be introduced into the body to give a view of its internal parts

endoskopering -en -ar infoendoskopi

belső üreges szervek vizsgálata endoszkóppal · endoszkópozás · endoszkópos vizsgálat végzése [endoscopia]infoendoscopy, a procedure in which an instrument is introduced into the body to give a view of its internal parts

endoskopisk -t -a

endoszkópiás · endoszkópos [endoscopicus]infoendoscopic, of, relating to, or performed by means of an endoscope or endoscopy

endoskopisk kirurgi

endoszkópos sebészet [chirurgia endoscopica]infoendoscopic surgery

endoskopisk kirurgisk teknik

endoszkópos műtéti technika · endoszkópos sebészeti technika [technica chirurgica endoscopica]infoendoscopic surgery technique

endoskopisk retrograd cholangiopankreatikografi [ERCP]

endoszkópos retrográd cholangiopankreatikográfia [ERCP]infoendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP, diagnose and treat problems in the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreas

endoskopisk retrograd kolangiografi [ERC]

endoszkópos retrográd cholangiográfiainfoendoscopic retrograde cholangiography

endoskopisk retrograd pankreatikografi [ERP]

endoszkópos retrográd pankreatikográfiainfoendoscopic retrograde pancreatography, a procedure to diagnose and treat problems in the pancreas

endoskopiskt ultraljud [EUS]

endoszkópos ultrahanginfoendoscopic ultrasound, EUS

endosmos -en -er

endozmózis [endosmosis]infoendosmosis, diffusion of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, through a semipermeable membrane

endosom -en -er

endoszóma [endosoma]infoendosome, collection of intracellular sorting organelles in eukaryotic cells

endosonografi -n -er


endosperm -en -er

belső magfehérje · endospermium · magszövet [endospermium]infoendosperm, the part of a seed which acts as a food store for the developing plant embryo, usually containing starch with protein and other nutrients

endospor -en -er infospor producerad invändigt i en sporbildande cell

sejten belül keletkező spóra [endospora]infoendospore, a resistant asexual spore that develops inside some bacteria cells

endosseous implantat

endooszteális implantátum [T]infoendosteal implant

endost -et - infoendosteum

csövescsont velőüreg-belhártya [endosteum]infoendosteum, a membranous vascular layer of cells which line the medullary cavity of a bone; an internal periosteum

endosteal kallusbildning

endosteum sejtjei által képzett kötőszövetes heg [callus endostealis]infoendosteal callus, intramedually callus also develops as part of the healing process

endostos -en -er

csontbelhártya gyulladás · endosztózis [endostosis]infoendostosis, process of bone formation in which ossification takes place within the substance of the cartilage

endotel -et - infoendotelium, endotelcell,skikt av platta celler som bekläder den inre väggen av blod- o. lymfkärl, buk- o. brösthåla m.m.

egyrétegű laphám · endotél [endothelium]infoendothelium, a monolayer of endothelial cells

endotelcellskärna -n endotelcellskärnor

endotélsejtmaginfonucleus of endothelial cell

endotelcellstillväxtfaktor -n -er

endotélsejt növekedési faktorinfoendothelial cell growth factor, EGF, vascular permeability factor, VPF

endotelderiverad endotelderiverat

endotéliumeredetű [endothelialis]infoendothelial, of or relating to or located in the endothelium

endotelderiverad relaxerande faktor

endothelialis relaxációs faktor [nitrogén-oxyd]infoendothelium-derived relaxing factor, EDRF, a strong vasodilator produced by cardiac endothelial cells in response to stress signals

endotelhyperplasi -n

endotél-hiperplázia [endothelhyperplasia]infoendothelial hyperplasia, a benign lesion of vascular origin. It is caused by excessive proliferation of endothelial cells in vascular malformations or normal blood vessels

endotelial -t -a

endoteliális · endotheliummal kapcsolatos · endotélhez tartozó [endothelialis]infoendothelial, related to endothelium

endotelialt lipas infoenzym

endoteliális lipázinfoendothelial lipase enzyme, LIPG, lipase secreted by vascular endothelial cells in tissues with high metabolic rates and vascularization

endotelin -en -er

endothelin [Endothelinum, ET]infoendothelin, ET, a small protein that helps regulate the blood pressure by constricting the blood vessels

endoteliochorial -t -a infohúsevők

endoteliochoriális [endoteliochorialis]infoendotheliochorial, having fetal epithelium enclosing maternal blood vessels

endoteliochorial zonär placenta infoendoteliokorial moderkaka

öv alakban eloszló bolyhú méhlepény [placenta anularis, placenta zonaria, placenta zonularis, placenta endoteliochorialis]infoendotheliochorial placenta, in which the syncytial trophoblasts of the chorion penetrate to the blood vessels of the uterus

endoteliokorial -t -a

endoteliokoriális [endoteliochorialis]infoendotheliochorial, having fetal epithelium enclosing maternal blood vessels

endoteliom -et - infosällsynt tumörtyp som utgår från endotelceller i blod- o. lymfkärl

endotelióma · endotheldaganat [endothelioma]infoendothelioma, a tumor developing from endothelial tissue

endotelios -en -er

endothelialis elemek burjánzása [endotheliosis]infoendotheliosis, proliferation of endothelial elements

endotelrör -et -

endothel-csövecske [tubulus endotheli]infoendothelial tube, contain a lumen surrounded by endothelial cells linked together through junctional complexes

endotelskada -n endotelskador

endotélsérülésinfoendothelial injury

endothelioblast -en · -et -er · -et -er

érbelhártya elősejtje [endothelioblast]infoendothelioblast, progenitor cell of the choroid membrane

endothoracic fascia

mellkaspólya [fascia endothoracica]infoendothoracic fascia, the layer of loose connective tissue deep to the intercostal spaces and ribs

endothrix - -

hajszál belsejébe települő [pl. gombafonal] [endothrix]infoendothrix, occurring within or penetrating the hair shaft, dermatophyte infections of the hair

endothrix infektion

hajszál belsejének gombafonallal történő fertőződése [endothrix infectio]infoendothrix infection, infections within the hair shaft

endothrix invasion

gombafonal hajszál belsejébe települése [endothrix invasio]infoendothrix invasion