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svinka -de -t jelentése magyar orvosi

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SvédMagyar orvosi

malachimlő · sertéshimlő [variola suilla, variola porcina]infovariola porcina, the virus that causes swinepox

svinkoppor infosvinkoppsinfektion -

impetigo · ótvar [P: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus] [impetigo strepto-staphylogenes]infoimpetigo, ringworm

aberrationsvinkel -n aberrationsvinklar infosfärisk aberrationsvinkel för optiska linser

aberráció szöge [gömbi eltérés szöge optikai lencséknél]infospherical aberration angle for optical lenses

ansiktsvinkel -n ansiktsvinklar

arcszög [angulus facialis]infofacial angle

anteversionsvinkel -n anteversionsvinklar

anteverziós szöginfoanteverersion angle

bröstbensvinkel -n bröstbensvinklar infoknölen på bröstet bredvid 2:a revbenet

szegycsont szöglete [angulus sterni [Ludovici]infothe margin between the corpus and manubrium sterni

Campers ansiktsvinkel

Camper-féle arcszög [angulus facialis Camperi]infoCampers angle

lårbenshalsvinkel minskar till under 120°

combnyak lefelé görbülése [coxa vara]infocoxa vara, a deformity of the hip, whereby the angle between the head and the shaft of the femur is reduced to less than 120 degrees

lårbenshalsvinkeln överstiger 150°

combnyak meredek állása [coxa valga]infocoxa valga, deformity of the hip where the angle formed between the head and neck of the femur and its shaft is increased, usually above 135 degrees

ledskålsvinkel -n ledskålsvinklar

vápatető szögeinfoangle of trench, the angle of the trench roof provides valuable information regarding the depth of the trench. In the case of a value of around 60 degrees, we have to count on a shallow vapa

skulderbladsvinkel -n skulderbladsvinklar

lapockaszöglet [angulus scapulae]infoangle of scapula, the scapula has 3 angles: superior-medial, lateral, inferior