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O-antigen -et · -er

O-antigén [O-antigen]infoO-antigen, O-specific polysaccharides, O-side chains, major component of the surface lipopolysaccharide, LPS, of Gram-negative bacteria

oangiograferad oangiograferat

angiográfiálhatatlan · nem angiográfiálhatóinfonon-angiographic, not angiographic

obalans av hormon adenohypofysen

adenohypofysishormon-egyensúlyhiány [apituitarismus, hypopituitarismus]infohypopituitarism, pituitary hormon deficiency, low hemoglobin levels leading to pallor

obehandlad karies

nem kezelt cariesinfountreated dental caries

obenämnd artär

kar-fej-artéria [arteria anonyma, -innominata, -brachiocephalica]infobrachiocephalic artery, brachiocephalic trunk, innominate artery, one of the three great vessels of the aortic arch that supplies blood to the head, neck and upper extremities

obenämnd ven

kar-fej-véna · névtelen gyűjtőér · névtelen visszér · névtelen véna [vena anonyma, -innominata, -brachiocephalica]infobrachiocephalic vein, innominate vein, large venous structures located within the thorax and originate from the union of the subclavian vein with the internal jugular vein

obetydlig upphöjning i de bakre delarna av hjärnans ventrikelsystem

madársarkantyúszerű benyomat agy oldalkamrája hátsó szarvában [calcar avis, ergot, calcar, hippocampus minor]infocalcar avis, an involution of the wall of the lateral ventricle's posterior cornu produced by the calcarine fissure

obligat aerob

obligát aerobinfoobligate aerobic, obligately aerobic bacterium

obligat anaerob

obligát an[a]erobinfoobligate anaerobe, microorganism killed by normal atmospheric concentrations of oxygen

obligat parasit

obligát élősködő · holoparazitainfoobligate parasite, oloparasite, cannot complete its life-cycle without exploiting a suitable host

obliterativ bronkiolit

obliteratív bronchiolitis [bronchiolitis obliterans, BO]infobronchiolitis obliteran, BO, obliterative bronchiolitis, constrictive bronchiolitis and popcorn lung, obstruction of the bronchioles due to inflammation

oblitererande arterioskleros

elzáródásos [verő]ér-elmeszesedés [arteriosclerosis obliterans]infoarteriosclerosis obliterans, occlusive arterial disease most prominently affecting the abdominal aorta and the small- and medium-sized arteries of the lower extremities

oblitererande lymfangit

nyirokér elzáródással járó gyulladása [lymphangitis obliterans]infolymphangitis obliterans

oblitererande trombangit infoåderinflammation med blodproppsobliteration som komplikation

érelzáródásos thrombusképződéssel járó gyulladása [thrombangi[i]tis obliterans]infothrombangitis obliterans, Buerger disease, Winiwarter-Buerger disease, a recurring progressive inflammation and thrombosis of small and medium arteries and veins of the hands and feet

oblodig behandling

vértelen kezelés [medicatio conservativa]infoconservative management, a type of medical treatment defined by the avoidance of invasive measures such as surgery or other invasive procedures

oblodig nekros

vértelen elhalás [infarctus an[a]emicus]infoanemic infarct, white infarct, pale infarct, caused by arterial occlusions, and are usually seen in the heart, kidney and spleen

obstetrisk brachialplexusskada [OBP]

plexus brachalis laesiója születéskorinfobrachial plexus birth injury, brachial plexus injury

obstetrisk chock

szülészeti shockinfoobstetric shock. OS, a life-threatening cardiovascular collapse syndrome associated with pregnancy

obstetrisk emboli

szülészeti embólia [embolia obstetrica]infoobstetric embolism, amniotic fluid embolism, AFE, causing maternal cardiovascular collaps

obstetrisk fett emboli

szülészeti zsírembólia [embolia obstetrica]infoobstetric fat embolism

obstetrisk fostervatten emboli

szülészeti magzatvíz emboliainfoamniotic fluid embolism, AFE, causing maternal cardiovascular collaps

obstetrisk luft emboli

szüléssel összefüggő légembólia [aeremia obstetrica, aeroembolia obstetrica]infoobstetric air embolism

obstetrisk lungemboli

szüléssel összefüggő tüdőembólia [aeremia pulmonis obstetrica, aeroembolia pulmonis obstetrica]infoobstetric pulmonary embolism

obstetrisk plexusskada

szüléskori plexussérülésinfoobstetric plexus injury, obstetric brachial plexus injury, OBPI, birth brachial plexus injury, BBPI

obstetrisk stelkramp

anyai merevgörcs · gyermekágyi merevgörcs · szülészeti merevgörcs [P: Clostridium, tetani] [tetanus puerperalis]infopuerperal tetanus

obstruktion av blodkärl

devaszkularizálás · erek megszakítása [devascularisatio]infodevascularization, loss of the blood supply to a bodily part due to destruction or obstruction of blood vessels

obstruktion av blodkärlen i njuren

veseerek elzáródása [nephremphraxis]infonephremphraxis, obstruction in the renal vessels

obstruktion av livmoderhalsen

méhszájelzáródás [metratresia]infometratresia, an unnatural closure of the uterus

obstruktion av matstrupe infoösofagus obstruktion

nyelőcsőelzáródás [f.r.] [obstructio, oesophagi, obturatio oesophagi]infoesophageal obstruction, a malformation in which the esophagus is interrupted and forms a blind-ending pouch rather than connecting normally to the stomach

obstruktion av slidan infovaginal obstruktion

hüvelyelzáródás [obstructio vaginae]infovaginal obstruction, a wall of tissue blocks the opening of the vagina

obstruktiv -t -a infoförträngning av luftrören mellan struphuvud o. alveoler

eldugulással járó [pl. hörgőgyulladás] · eldulásos · obstruktív [obstructivus]infoobstructive, associated with obstruction

obstruktiv bronkit

obstruktív bronchitis [bronchitis obliterans, bronchitis obstructiva]infoobstructive bronchitis, swelling or inflammation of the main airways of the lungs, which can make breathing more difficult

obstruktiv chock

obstruktív sokkinfoobstructive shock, prevents blood and oxygen from getting to the organs

obstruktiv gulsot

elzáródásos sárgaság [icterus obstructivus]infoobstructive jaundice, develop due to a narrowed or blocked bile duct or pancreatic duct, preventing the normal drainage of bile from the bloodstream into the intestines

obstruktiv hydrocefalus

elzáródásos agyvelővízkór · elzáródásos hydrocephalus [hydrocephalus obstructivus]infoobstructive hydrocephalus, non-communicating hydrocephalus, a blockage that prevents the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, CSF, between certain ventricles in the brain

obstruktiv inflammation av artär

elzáródásos artéria-gyulladás [arteritis obliterans]infoobstructive arteritis

obstruktiv lungsjukdom [ol]

elzáródásos tüdőbetegség [pneumopathia obstructiva]infoobstructive lung disease, obstructive pneumopathy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, asthma. bronchiectasis. cystic fibrosis

obstruktiv lungsjukdom inflammation i bronkioler

tüdőhörgőcskék elzáródásos gyulladása [bronchiolitis obliterans]infoobstructive bronchiolitis, a type of obstructive lung disease of the small airways

obstruktiv njursjukdom [on]

obstruktív vesebetegség [nephropathia-, renopathia obstructiva]infoobstructive kidney disease,obstructive nephropathy, uropathy, caused by urinary tract obstruction, either functional or anatomic

obstruktiv sömnapné

obstruktív alvási apnoeinfoobstructive sleep apnoea, OSA, episodes of complete collapse of the airway or partial collapse with an associated decrease in oxygen saturation or arousal from sleep