Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

muskel jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
avsaknad av muskelspänning

izomtónus hiánya [amyotonia]infodeficiency of muscle tone

avsaknad av muskelstyrka

izomerő hiánya [f.r.] [asthenia, adynamia]infoadynamia, lack of motor activity or strength

avsaknad av stora bröstmuskeln

nagy mellizom hiánya [f.r.] [Poland syndroma, agenesia musculus pectoralis maior]infoPoland syndrome, unilateral, complete or partial, absence of the pectoralis major [and often minor] muscle

avslappning av muskelfascian

izomfascia-lazító gyakorlatinfoself myofascial release [SMR]

axelmuskel -n axelmuskler infodeltoideus

vállizom [musculus deltoideus]infodeltoid, deltoid muscle

bäckenbottenmuskel -n bäckenbottenmuskler

medencefenék izominfopelvic floor muscle-bladder

bäckenbottenmuskelplatta -n

alsó medencefenék-rekeszi pólya [fascia diaphragmatis pelvis inferior]infoinferior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm, a subcutaneous fascia which covers the superficial muscles of the urogenital triangle

bäckenbottenmuskelträning -en -ar

medencefenék izomtréninginfopelvic floor muscle training

bäckenmuskel -n bäckenmuskler

medenceizom [musculus pelvis]infopelvic muscle

bakre ojämna halsmuskeln

hátsó ferde nyakizom [musculus scalenus posterior]infoposterior scalene, scalenus posterior, one of the lateral muscles of the neck

bakre öron muskel

hátulsó fülizom [musculus auricularis posterior]infoposterior auricular muscle, a muscle behind the auricle of the outer ear

bakre sågtandade muskeln

felső hátulsó fűrészizom [musculus serratus dorsalis caudalis]infocaudal dorsal serrate muscle, originate from the thoracolumbar fascia caudally

bakre skalenusmuskel

hátulsó nyakizom [musculus scalenus posterior]infoscalenus posterior, posterior scalene, the smallest of the scalene muscles in the neck

bakre skenbensmuskeln

hátulsó sípcsonti izom [musculus tibialis posterior]infotibialis posterior muscle, the most central of all the leg muscles

Beckers muskeldystrofi [BMD]

Becker-féle izomdystrophia [f.r.]infoBecker muscular dystrophy, Becker MD, BMD, gradually makes the body's muscles weaker and smaller

befintlig under deltamuskeln

deltaizom alatti [subdeltoideus]infobeneath the deltoid

benmuskel -n benmuskler

lábizom [musculus pedis]infoleg muscle, any of various muscles in the leg

bicepsmuskelns fäste

a bicepszizom tapadása [tuberositas radii]inforadial tuberosity, where the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle inserts

bindväv i muskeln infoden stödjande bindvävshinnan omkring en muskel

izomrostok burka · izomrostokat összetartó kötőszövet [endomysium, perimysium internum]infoconnective tissue holding together muscle fibers

blåsväggsmuskel -n blåsväggsmuskler

hólyagürítő izom [musculus detrusor]infodetrusor muscle, detrusor urinae muscle, muscularis propria of the urinary bladder

blefaroptos pga pares i ögats ringmuskel infonedhängande ögonlock pga pares

szem körüli izom bénulása okozta szemhéjcsüngés [ptosis palpebrae vera, ptosis palpebrae muscularis]infoptosis, drooping of the eyelid

blindtarmsringmuskel -n blindtarmsringmuskler

vakbél záróizma [musculus sphincter caeci]infoileocecal sphincter, ileocecal valve, situated at the junction of the ileum and the colon

böjarmuskel -n böjarmuskler

hajlító izom [musculus flexor]infoflexor muscle, any of the muscles that decrease the angle between bones on two sides of a joint

böjarmuskel till lillfinger

rövid kisujjhajlító izom [musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis manus]infoflexor digiti minimi brevis manus, a muscle of the ulnar side of the palm of the hand that flexes the little finger

böjmuskel -n böjmuskler

hajlító izom [musculus flexoris]infoflexor muscle

bortförande muskel

távolító izom [musculus abductor]infoabductor muscle, a muscle that moves a limb or part away from the midline of the body, or from another part

boxarmuskel -n boxarmuskler infoden sågtandade muskeln

elülső fűrészizom [musculus serratus anterior]infoserratus anterior muscle is a fan-shaped muscle at the lateral wall of the thorax

breda ryggmuskel

széles hátizom [musculus latissimus dorsi]infolatissimus dorsi muscle, adduct, medially rotate and extend the arm at the glenohumeral joint

bröstbenssköldbroskmuskel -n bröstbenssköldbroskmuskler

pajzsporc-szegycsonti izom [musculus sternothyreoideus]infosternothyroid, a paired strap muscle located in the muscular triangle of the neck

bröstmuskel -n bröstmuskler

mellizom [musculus pectoralis]infopectoral muscle, draw the forelimbs towards the chest

Brücke muskel

Brücke-izom [fibrae meridionales musculi ciliaris [Brückei]]infoBrücke muscle, Brücke-Bartley phenomenon, Crampton muscle, the part of the ciliary muscle formed by the meridional fibers

bucinator muskel

trombitásizom [musculus buccinator]infobuccinator muscle, flattens the cheek and retracts the angle of the mouth

buken på omohyoid muskel

lapocka-nyelvcsonti izom felső hasa [venter superior musculi omohyoidei]infosuperior belly of omohyoid muscle: a part that ascends and attaches to the hyoid bone

bukmuskel -n bukmuskler

hasizom [musculus abdominalis]infoabdominal muscle

bukmuskelspänning -en -ar

hasizomfeszülés [tensio musculi abdominalis]infoabdominal tension


hasizomerősítő [fortificatus musculi abdominalis]infoabdominal muscle strengthening

bulbocavernosus muskel

vizeletserkentő izom · accelerator urinae [musculus bulbocavernosus, musculus bulbospongiosus]infobulbospongiosus muscle

bursa under deltamuskel

deltaizom alatti nyálkatömlő [bursa subdeltoidea]infosubdeltoid bursa, lies beneath the deltoid muscle

cellmembranet i en muskelcell

izomrostburok [myolemma, sarcolemma]infosarcolemma, myolemma, is the cell membrane surrounding a skeletal muscle fiber or a cardiomyocyte

ciliarmuskel -n ciliarmuskler infoackommodationsmuskeln

ciliáris izom · sugárizom [szem alkalmazkodási izma] [musculus ciliaris]infociliary muscle