Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

minor jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
minor afte

kis aphthás fekélyinfosmall aphthous ulcer, the most common type affecting the majority [80%] of people who suffer from mouth ulcers

avgränar pelvis major mot pelvis minor genom en linje från sacrum till symphysis pubica

a pelvis majort a pelvis minortól elhatárolja a keresztcsonttól a szeméremcsontig tartó vonal · határvonal [linea terminalis]infoinnominate line, the boundary between the greater pelvis and lesser pelvis as well as the plane of the pelvic inlet

kärnlamina -n kärnlaminor

nukleusz-rosthálózat [nuclear lamina]infonuclear lamina, a structure near the inner nuclear membrane and the peripheral chromatin,s composed of lamins, which are also present in the nuclear interior, and lamin-associated proteins

rhomboideus minor

kis rombuszizom [musculus rhomboideus minor]inforhomboid minor, a cylindrical muscle that originates at the ligamentum nuchae and C7 and T1 vertebra

talassemia minor infotalassemia minima,

enyhe thalassaemia [Rietti-Greppi-Michei-szindróma] [thalassaemia minima, thalassaemia minor]infoRietti-Greppi-Micheli's disease, one of thalassemic syndrome

trokanter minor

kis forgató · kis tompor [trochanter minor]infotrochanter minor, lesser trochanter, small trochanter, a compact conical bony prominence positioned at the junction of the posteroinferior region of the femoral neck and the shaft