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eventration -en -er jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
eventration -en -er

eventeráció · eventráció · zsigerek hasüregen kívüli helyeződése [event[e]ratio]infoeventration, protrusion of abdominal organs through the abdominal wall

diafragmaeventration -en -er infodiafragmatisk eventration

rekeszizom beboltosulása a mellkasüregbe [eventeratio diaphragmae, eventratio diaphragmae]infodiaphragm eventration, diaphragmatic eventeration, a thinning of a portion or all of the diaphragm where muscle has been replaced by fibroelastic tissue

tarmeventration -en -er

bél kifordulása [eventratio]infoeventration, protrusion of the abdominal viscera through an opening in the abdominal wall