Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

bog jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
bog -en -ar

szügy [praesternum, umerus]infosage

Bogaert-Divry-syndrom -et -

Divry-Van Bogaert szindróma [angiomatosis cortico meningealis]infoDivry van Bogaert Syndrome [DBS], a familial juvenile-onset syndrome [livedo racemosa, juvenile ischemic stroke, juvenile cerebral white matter disease]

Bogaert-Hozay-syndrom -et -

Van Bogaert-Hozay szindróma [ acro-osteolysis-facial dysplasia]infoVan Bogaert-Hozay syndrome, Hozay’s syndrome, acro-osteolysis-facial dysplasia syndrome

Bogarads syndrom

Bogarad-szindróma [reflexio gustatolacrimalis]infoBogorad's syndrome, syndrome of crocodile tears, crocodile tears syndrome, tearing in parallel with the normal salivation of eating

bogblad -et -

lapockacsont [os scapulae, scapula]infoscapula, shoulder blade

bogbladssar -et -

lapockasérülésinfoshoulder blade injury

bogbrosk -et -

lapockaporc [cartilago scapulae]infoscapular cartilage, cartilage of scapula

boghöjd -en -er

marmagasságinfoheight at withers, measurement on an animal is done from the ground to its withers

bogled -en -er

vállízület [articulatio humeri]infoglenohumeral articulation, involves the humeral head with the glenoid cavity of the scapula

boglymfknuta -n boglymfknutor

felületes nyaki nyirokcsomók [lymphonodi cervicales superficiales]infosuperficial cervical lymph nodes, they lie near the surface of the neck

bogmuskulatur -en -er

marizomzat [musculatura regionis interscapularis]infomuscles of withers

bogregion -en -er

martájék · szügytájék [regio interscapularis]infointerscapular region

bogspets -en -ar

lapockacsúcs · lapockatövis [spina scapulae]infospine of the scapula, scapular spin, a projecting triangular bony process on the dorsal surface of the scapula

cambogiasyra -n cambogiasyror infohydroxycitric syra, HCA

cambogiasavinfohydroxycitric acid

Divry-Bogaert syndrom

Bogaert-Divry-szindróma [bőr és az idegrendszer ismeretlen eredetű angiomatosisa]infoDivry van Bogaert Syndrome, DBS, a familial juvenile-onset disorder [livedo racemosa, white matter disease, dementia, epilepsy, angiographic finding of 'cerebral angiomatosis']

flebografi -n -er

flebográfia · vénák kontrasztanyagos röntgenvizsgálata [phlebographia]infophlebography radiography of veins after injection of a contrast medium

flebografisk -t -a

flebográfiás · vénák kontrasztanyagos röntgenvizsgálatával kapcsolatos [phlebographicus]infophlebographic, relating to phlebography or the X-ray imaging of a vein

flebogram -met -

flebogramm · vénák kontrasztanyagos röntgenvizsgálati képe [phlebogramm]infophlebogram, a tracing made with a sphygmograph that records the pulse in a vein

Hozay-Bogaert syndrom infoidiopatisk medfödd dysplasia mesoectodermalis

Bogaert-Hozay-szindrómainfovan Bogaert-Hozay syndrome, a Familial form of acro-osteolysis associated with a mild mental retardation, skin atrophy, facial dysmorphism, and ocular defects

mellan bogblad

lapockacsontok közötti [nagyállaton] [interscapularis]infointerscapular, situated between the shoulder blades [in large animals]

osteokondros i bogleden

vállízület osteochondrosisa [osteochondrosis dissecans]infoosteochondrosis dissecans, OCD, a joint disorder in which a segment of bone and cartilage starts to separate from the rest of the bone after repeated stress or trauma

trombogen -t -a

thrombus-eredetű [thrombogen]infothrombogenic

under bogspets

lapockatövis alatti [infraspinatus]infobeing under spine