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blastom -et - jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
blastom -et - infotumör utgående från omogna celle

blasztóma · valódi daganat [blastoma, tumor verus]infoblastoma, a tumor thought to arise in embryonic tissue

ameloblastom -et - infoepiteltumör från emaljkoloni i käken

ameloblasztóma [adamantinoma, ameloblastoma]infoameloblastoma

angioblastom -et - infocentrala nervsystemet vaskulär tumör, hemangioblastom

angioblasztóma [angioblastoma]infoangioblastoma, a tufted angioma

arrhenoblastom -et - infoäggstockstumör som frigör det manliga könshormonet testosteron

arrhenoblasztóma · virilismust okozó ovarium daganat [arrhenoblastoma, androblastoma]infoarrhenoblastoma, ovarian tumor in which the tumor cells secrete a male sex hormone

astroblastom -et -

asztroblasztóma [astroblastoma]infoastroblastoma, an astrocytoma of moderate malignancy

cementoblastom -et -

cementoblastoma [caementoblastoma]infocementoblastoma, cementum-like tissue attached to the roots of a tooth

erytroblastom -et -

erythroblastszerű sejtekből álló csontvelődaganat [erythroblastoma]infoerythroblastoma, a tumor [myeloma] with cells resembling megaloblasts

estesioneuroblastom -et -

esthesioneuroblastomainfoa rare type of cancer that forms in the tissues of the upper part of the nasal cavity

glioblastom -et - infomycket elak tumörform

glioblasztóma · valódi gliadaganat [glioblastoma]infoglioblastoma, a type of cancer that starts in astrocytes that support nerve cells

gonadoblastom -et -

gonádblasztóma · valódi nemi szervi daganat [gonadblastoma]infogonadblastoma, true genital tumor, that is made up of more than one type of cell found in the gonads [testicles and ovaries]

hemangioblastom -et -

hemangioblasztóma [haemangiblastoma]infohemangioblastoma, a benign blood vessel tumor, typically grows in the brain, spinal cord or at the back of the eye

hepatoblastom -et - infolevercancer hos barn

rosszindulatú hámszövet daganat a májban [hepatoblastoma]infomalignant liver tumour of mesenchymal origin

medulloblastom -et - infoelakartad hjärntumör

medulloblasztóma [medulloblastoma]infomedulloblastoma, a primary central nervous system, CNS, tumor

nefroblastom -et -

nefroblasztoma [nephroblastoma, Wilms tumor]infonephroblastoma, Wilms tumor, most common pediatric renal cancer

neuroblastom -et - infoelakartad tumörsjukdom i det sympatiska nervsystemet

neuroblasztóma [neuroblastoma]infoneuroblastoma, a cancer that develops from immature nerve cells found in several areas of the body. Neuroblastoma most commonly arises in and around the adrenal glands

odontoameloblastom -et -

odontoameloblastoma [odontoameloblastoma]infoodontoameloblastoma, OA, an extremely rare mixed odontogenic tumor with both epithelial and mesenchymal components

odontoblastom -et -

fogképző sejtekből álló daganat [odontoblastoma]infoodontoblastoma, a tumor composed of neoplastic epithelial and mesenchymal cells that may differentiate into cells able to produce calcified tooth substances

osteoblastom -et -

oszteoblasztóma [osteoblastoma]infoosteoblastoma, benign bone tumor

spongioblastom -et -

gliomacsoportba tartozó agydaganat [spongioblastoma]infospongioblastoma, glioblastoma, a fast-growing malignant brain tumor composed of spongioblasts

sympatikoblastom -et - infofrån binjuremärgen utgående svulst

szimpatikioblasztóma [sympaticoblastoma, neuroblastoma]infoneuroblastoma, NB, cancer that develops from immature nerve cells found in several areas of the body, commonly arises in and around the adrenal glands

sympatoblastom -et -

sympathicoblastokból álló daganat [sympathicoblastoma, sympathoblastoma]infosympathicoblastoma, sympathetic neuroblastoma, a highly malignant neoplasm composed of small sympathicoblasts

teratoblastom -et -

éretlen dysontogen daganat [teratoblastoma, teratoma embryonale]infoembrional teratoma, teratoma of embryonic origin