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dumnezeu angolul

dumnezeu substantiv

deity [deities]noun
[UK: ˈdiːɪ.ti] [US: ˈdiːə.ti]

dumnezeu substantiv

God [God](an omnipotent being)
[UK: ɡɒd] [US: ˈɡɑːd]

god [gods]noun
[UK: ɡɒd] [US: ˈɡɑːd]

Dumnezeu proper noun

Godproper noun
[UK: ɡɒd] [US: ˈɡɑːd]

God(single male deity of duotheism)
proper noun
[UK: ɡɒd] [US: ˈɡɑːd]

Dumnezeu [~, dumnezei, ~l, dumnezeii, lui ~, dumnezeilor, ~le, dumnezeilor] substantiv

God [God](an omnipotent being)
[UK: ɡɒd] [US: ˈɡɑːd]

Dumnezeu Fiul proper noun

God the Son(the person of the Trinity that became flesh in Jesus Christ)
proper noun

Dumnezeu nu bate cu parul frază

the chickens come home to roost(a person's past wrongdoings will always return to negatively affect them (idiom))

what goes around comes around(actions have consequences)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɡəʊz ə.ˈraʊnd kʌmz ə.ˈraʊnd] [US: ˈhwʌt ɡoʊz ə.ˈraʊnd ˈkəmz ə.ˈraʊnd]

Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze! interjecție

God bless you(said as a short prayer for the recipient)
[UK: ɡɒd bles juː] [US: ˈɡɑːd ˈbles ˈjuː]

Dumnezeu Tatăl proper noun

God the Father(person of the Trinity)
proper noun
[UK: ɡɒd ðə ˈfɑːð.ə(r)] [US: ˈɡɑːd ðə ˈfɑːð.r̩]

Dumnezeu te ajută frază

God helps those who help themselves(good fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things)
[UK: ɡɒd helps ðəʊz huː help ðəm.ˈselvz] [US: ˈɡɑːd ˈhelps ðoʊz ˈhuː ˈhelp ðem.ˈselvz]

(o) Dumnezeuleǃ interjecție

oh my God(excitement or shock)

așa să mă ajute Dumnezeu frază

so help me God(phrase used as a promise that an action will be carried out)
[UK: ˈsəʊ help miː ɡɒd] [US: ˈsoʊ ˈhelp ˈmiː ˈɡɑːd]

credeți în Dumnezeu? frază

do you believe in God(do you believe in God?)

crezi în Dumnezeu? frază

do you believe in God(do you believe in God?)

Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu proper noun

Word of God(sacred teaching, writing or book viewed as the work of God)
proper noun

dacă te ajuți singur; ajută-te și Dumnezeu te va ajuta. frază

God helps those who help themselves(good fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things)
[UK: ɡɒd helps ðəʊz huː help ðəm.ˈselvz] [US: ˈɡɑːd ˈhelps ðoʊz ˈhuː ˈhelp ðem.ˈselvz]

prin Harul lui Dumnezeu prepoziție

by the Grace of God(By divine right)
[UK: baɪ ðə ɡreɪs əv ɡɒd] [US: baɪ ðə ˈɡreɪs əv ˈɡɑːd]

în numele lui Dumnezeu interjecție

for God's sake(exclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience)
[UK: fɔː(r) ɡɒdz seɪk] [US: ˈfɔːr ˈɡɑːdz ˈseɪk]