Norvég-Angol szótár »

rike angolul

rike noun

realm [realms](sphere of influence)
[UK: relm] [US: ˈrelm]

Reich(a German empire or nation)
[UK: raɪk] [US: ˈraɪk]

(Bokmål) Abessinia, Keiserriket Etiopia proper noun

Abyssinia(historical name of the Ethiopian Empire - Ethiopia and Eritrea)
proper noun
[UK: ̩ˌæb.ɪ.ˌsɪn.iə] [US: ̩ˌæb.ɪ.ˌsɪn.iə]

(Bokmål) blåskrike noun
{m} {f}

blue jay [blue jays](species of North American jay)
[UK: bluː dʒeɪ] [US: ˈbluː ˈdʒeɪ]

(Bokmål) det er lettere for en kamel å gå gjennom et nåløye enn for en rik man å komme inn i Guds rike phrase

it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God(proverb)

(Bokmål) Det forente kongerike Storbritannia proper noun

United Kingdom of Great Britainproper noun

(Bokmål) Det forente kongerike Storbritannia og Irland proper noun

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelandproper noun

(Bokmål) Det forente kongerike Storbritannia og Nord-Irland proper noun

United Kingdom(sovereign state in Europe, see also: Great Britain)
proper noun
[UK: ju.ˈnaɪt.ɪd ˈkɪŋ.dəm] [US: ju.ˈnaɪt.əd ˈkɪŋ.dəm]

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandproper noun
[UK: ju.ˈnaɪt.ɪd ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩ ənd ˈnɔː.ðən ˈaɪə.lənd] [US: ju.ˈnaɪt.əd ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩ ænd ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˈaɪər.lənd]

(Bokmål) Det hasjimittiske kongerike Jordan proper noun

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordanproper noun
[UK: ˈhæ.ʃə.ˌmaɪt ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈdʒɔːd.n̩] [US: ˈhæ.ʃə.ˌmaɪt ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈdʒɔːr.dn̩]

(Bokmål) Det osmanske rike proper noun
{n}, Det ottomanSke rike {n}, OSmanerriket {n}

Ottoman Empire(Turkish empire)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɒ.tə.mən ˈem.paɪə(r)] [US: ˈɑː.tə.mən ˈem.paɪər]

(Bokmål) Det tysk-romerske rike proper noun

Holy Roman Empire(state)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ˈrəʊ.mən ˈem.paɪə(r)] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈroʊ.mən ˈem.paɪər]

(Bokmål) Det tyske rike (Imperial Germany) proper noun
{n} (German Realm), Det tySke keiSerrike {n}

German Empire(Germany between 1871 and 1918)
proper noun

(Bokmål) dyreriket (definite form) noun

animal kingdom(Regnum Animalia)
[UK: ˈæ.nɪm.l̩ ˈkɪŋ.dəm] [US: ˈæ.nəm.l̩ ˈkɪŋ.dəm]

(Bokmål) eksentriker noun
{m}, gærning {m}

kook(eccentric, strange or crazy person)
[UK: ˈkuːk] [US: ˈkuːk]

(Bokmål) eksentriker noun

eccentric [eccentrics](person who does not behave like others)
[UK: ek.ˈsen.trɪk] [US: ɪk.ˈsen.trɪk]

(Bokmål) elektriker noun

electrician [electricians](tradesman who works with electrical equipment)
[UK: ɪ.ˌlek.ˈtrɪʃ.n̩] [US: ə.lek.ˈtrɪʃ.n̩]

(Bokmål) Frankrike proper noun

proper noun
[UK: frɑːns] [US: ˈfræns]

(Bokmål) himmelrike proper noun

Kingdom of Heaven(Christian concept)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈhev.n̩] [US: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈhev.n̩]

(Bokmål) historiker noun

historian [historians](writer of history)
[UK: hɪ.ˈstɔː.rɪən] [US: ˌhɪ.ˈstɔː.riən]

(Bokmål) karikere verb

caricature [caricatured, caricaturing, caricatures](represent in exaggerated manner)
[UK: ˈkæ.rɪk.ə.tʃʊə(r)] [US: ˈke.rək.ə.tʃər]

(Bokmål) kongerike noun
{n}, kongedømme {n}

kingdom [kingdoms](realm having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen)
[UK: ˈkɪŋ.dəm] [US: ˈkɪŋ.dəm]

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Belgia proper noun

Kingdom of Belgium(official name of Belgium)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈbel.dʒəm] [US: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈbel.dʒəm]

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Danmark proper noun

Kingdom of Denmark(official name of Denmark)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈden.mɑːk] [US: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈden.ˌmɑːrk]

(Bokmål) Kongeriket England proper noun

Kingdom of Englandproper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Kambodsja proper noun

Kingdom of Cambodia(official name of Cambodia)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Marokko proper noun

Kingdom of Morocco(official name of Morocco)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Nederlandene proper noun

Kingdom of the Netherlands(monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Norge proper noun

Kingdom of Norway(official name of Norway)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Saudi-Arabia proper noun

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(official name of Saudi Arabia)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Skottland proper noun

Kingdom of Scotlandproper noun
[UK: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈskɒt.lənd] [US: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈskɑːt.lənd]

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Spania proper noun

Kingdom of Spain(official name of Spain)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Sverige proper noun

Kingdom of Sweden(official name of Sweden)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Kongeriket Thailand proper noun

Kingdom of Thailand(official name of Thailand)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈtaɪ.lænd] [US: ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈtaɪ.ˌlænd]

(Bokmål) kunsthistoriker noun

art historian(an expert in art history)
[UK: ɑːt hɪ.ˈstɔː.rɪən] [US: ˈɑːrt ˌhɪ.ˈstɔː.riən]

(Bokmål) lavskrike noun
{m} {f}

Siberian jay(Perisoreus infaustus)

(Bokmål) nøtteskrike (Eurasian jay) noun
{m} {f}

jay [jays](bird)
[UK: dʒeɪ] [US: ˈdʒeɪ]

(Bokmål) Perserriket proper noun

Persian Empire(empire ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty)
proper noun
[UK: ˈpɜːʃ.n̩ ˈem.paɪə(r)] [US: ˈpɝː.ʒən ˈem.paɪər]

(Bokmål) Republikken Frankrike proper noun

French Republic(country)
proper noun

(Bokmål) Republikken Østerrike proper noun

Republic of Austria(official name of Austria)
proper noun
[UK: rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˈɒ.striə] [US: ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˈɒ.striə]