Lengyel-Angol szótár »

-for angolul


-phorebearer or carrier of



brute force

brute force

dwudziestościan foremny noun

a polyhedron

dwunastościan foremny noun

a polyhedron with 12 faces

język formalny noun

formal languagenoun
set of finite strings

koło fortuny noun

wheel of Fortunenoun
Tarot card

Koło Fortuny noun

Wheel of Fortunenoun
television game show

kwintet fortepianowy

piano quintet

oboczna forma noun

tangential or subordinate form

pro forma adjective

pro formaadjective
for the sake of form only

reaktywna forma tlenu

reactive oxygen species

w formie

in fine fettle

in good trim

in the form

w obecnej formie

as it standsin the current state or circumstances

wielokąt foremny noun

regular polygonnoun
polygon which is both equiangular and equilateral