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群島 angolul

群島 noun

archipelago [archipelagos](group of islands)
[UK: ˌɑːk.ɪ.ˈpe.lə.ɡəʊ] [US: ˌɑːrk.ə.ˈpe.ləˌɡo.ʊ]

不列顛群島 proper noun

British Isles(group of islands)
proper noun
[UK: ˈbrɪ.tɪʃ aɪlz] [US: ˈbrɪ.tɪʃ ˈaɪlz]

亞速爾群島 proper noun

Azores(an archipelago and an autonomous region)
proper noun
[UK: ə.ˈzɔːz] [US: ə.ˈzɔːrz]

內赫布里底群島 proper noun

Inner Hebrides(islands of the Hebrides)
proper noun

凱門群島 proper noun

Cayman Islands(British territory in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkeɪ.mən ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈkeɪ.mən ˈaɪ.ləndz]

加拉帕戈斯群島 proper noun

Galapagos Islands(the archipelago)
proper noun
[UK: ɡə.ˈlɑː.pəɡoz ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ɡə.ˈlɑː.pəɡoz ˈaɪ.ləndz]

加那利群島 proper noun

Canary Islands(an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa)
proper noun
[UK: kə.ˈneə.ri ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: kə.ˈne.ri ˈaɪ.ləndz]

北弗裡西亞群島 proper noun

North Frisian Islands(islands in the Wadden Sea)
proper noun

北馬里亞納群島 proper noun

Northern Mariana Islands(archipelago)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˌme.ri.ˈæ.nə ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˌme.ri.ˈæ.nə ˈaɪ.ləndz]

Northern Marianasproper noun
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˌme.ri.ˈæ.nəs] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˌme.ri.ˈæ.nəs]

十二群島 /Shí'èrqúndǎo/ proper noun

Dodecanese(an island chain consisting of twelve main islands)
proper noun
[UK: dəʊdˌekənˈiːz] [US: doʊdˌekənˈiːz]

千島群島 proper noun

Kuril Islands(group of islands)
proper noun
[UK: kə.rəl ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: kə.rəl ˈaɪ.ləndz]

南喬治亞島與南桑威奇群島 proper noun

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands(territory)
proper noun

南沙群島 proper noun

Spratly Islands(islands)
proper noun

向風群島 /Xiàngfēng Qúndǎo/ proper noun

Windward Islands(the southern islands of the Lesser Antilles)
proper noun

夏威夷群島 proper noun

Hawaii(chain of islands)
proper noun
[UK: hə.ˈwaɪiː] [US: həˈwa.ˌji]

奧克尼群島 proper noun

Orkney Islands(group of islands)
proper noun

安達曼-尼科巴群島 proper noun

Andaman and Nicobar Islands(Indian territory)
proper noun

安達曼群島 proper noun

Andaman Islands(islands)
proper noun

小安的列斯群島 /Xiǎo Āndílièsī Qúndǎo/ proper noun

Lesser Antilles(Caribbean islands)
proper noun
[UK: ˈle.sə(r) æn.ˈtɪ.liz] [US: ˈle.sər æn.ˈtɪ.liz]

巴利阿里群島 proper noun

Balearic Islands(group of Mediterranean islands)
proper noun
[UK: beɪlˈarɪk ˈaɪləndz] [US: beɪlˈærɪk ˈaɪləndz]

庫克群島 proper noun

Cook Islands(self-governing country in Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: kʊk ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈkʊk ˈaɪ.ləndz]

廖內群島 / Liàonèi qúndǎo/ proper noun

Riau Islands(province of Indonesia)
proper noun

所羅門群島 proper noun

Solomon Islands(a country in Melanesia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈsɑː.lə.mən ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈsɑː.lə.mən ˈaɪ.ləndz]

法羅群島 proper noun

Faroe Islands(group of islands between Scotland and Iceland)
proper noun
[UK: fˈeərəʊ ˈaɪləndz] [US: fˈeroʊ ˈaɪləndz]

海峽群島 proper noun

Channel Islands(group of islands in the English Channel)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtʃæn.l̩ ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈtʃæn.l̩ ˈaɪ.ləndz]

澎湖群島 proper noun

Pescadores(archipelago in the Taiwan Strait)
proper noun

特克斯和凱科斯群島 proper noun

Turks and Caicos Islands(a British overseas territory in the Caribbean)
proper noun

特里斯坦-達庫尼亞群島 proper noun

Tristan da Cunha(British territory)
proper noun

琉球群島 proper noun

Ryukyu(Ryūkyū, Japan)
proper noun

瓦利斯和富圖納群島 proper noun

Wallis and Futuna(an overseas territory of France in Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: ˈwɒ.ˌlɪs ənd] [US: ˈwɒ.ˌlɪs ænd]

百慕大群島 proper noun

Bermuda(island group)
proper noun
[UK: bə.ˈmjuː.də] [US: bər.ˈmjuː.də]

皮特凱恩群島 proper noun

Pitcairn Islands(British territory)
proper noun

福克蘭群島 proper noun

Falkland Islands(overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic)
proper noun
[UK: ˈfɔːlk.lənd ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈfɔːk.lənd ˈaɪ.ləndz]

科曼多爾群島 proper noun

Commander Islands(Russian islands in the Bering Sea)
proper noun

科隆群島 proper noun

Galapagos Islands(the archipelago)
proper noun
[UK: ɡə.ˈlɑː.pəɡoz ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ɡə.ˈlɑː.pəɡoz ˈaɪ.ləndz]

維爾京群島 proper noun

Virgin Islands(archipelago)
proper noun
[UK: ˈvɜː.dʒɪn ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈvɝː.dʒən ˈaɪ.ləndz]

美屬維爾京群島 proper noun

United States Virgin Islands(a US overseas territory in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: ju.ˈnaɪt.ɪd steɪts ˈvɜː.dʒɪn ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ju.ˈnaɪt.əd ˈsteɪts ˈvɝː.dʒən ˈaɪ.ləndz]

背風群島 /Bèifēng Qúndǎo/ proper noun

Leeward Islands(Island group)
proper noun

英屬維爾京群島 proper noun

British Virgin Islands(British overseas territory)
proper noun
[UK: ˈbrɪ.tɪʃ ˈvɜː.dʒɪn ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈbrɪ.tɪʃ ˈvɝː.dʒən ˈaɪ.ləndz]