Kínai-Angol szótár »

我找不到我的...... /wǒ zhǎobudào wǒ de.../ angolul

我找不到我的…… / zhǎobudào de.../ phrase

I can't find my ...phrase

pāiyī noun

eeny, meeny, miny, moe(similar children's counting-out games in other languages)

我 // pronoun

I(personal pronoun)
[UK: ˈaɪ] [US: ˈaɪ]

me(direct object of a verb)
[UK: miː] [US: ˈmiː]

chūxuě le phrase

I'm bleedingphrase

yǒu gāoxuěyā phrase

I have high blood pressurephrase

zhēn gāoxìng/ phrase

pleased to meet you(polite formula used when being introduced to somebody)
[UK: pliːzd tuː miːt juː] [US: ˈpliːzd ˈtuː ˈmiːt ˈjuː]

yǒu dīxiěyā/ phrase

I have low blood pressurephrase

wéi rénrén/ phrase

one for all, all for one(motto: working for each other)
[UK: wʌn fɔː(r) ɔːl ɔːl fɔː(r) wʌn] [US: wʌn ˈfɔːr ɔːl ɔːl ˈfɔːr wʌn]

yǒu dīxuěyā phrase

I have low blood pressurephrase

yǒu gāoxiěyā/ phrase

I have high blood pressurephrase

chūxiě le/ phrase

I'm bleedingphrase

我有 / yǒu/

I've(I have)
[UK: aɪv] [US: aɪv]

我头疼 / tóuténg/ phrase

I have a headachephrase
[UK: ˈaɪ həv ə ˈhe.deɪk] [US: ˈaɪ həv ə ˈhe.ˌdek]

我肏 / cào/ interjection

fuck meinterjection

我吃素 / chīsù/ phrase

I'm a vegetarianphrase
[UK: aɪm ə ˌve.dʒɪ.ˈteə.rɪən] [US: ˈaɪm ə ˌve.dʒə.ˈte.riən]

我知道 / zhīdào/ phrase

I know(response indicating agreement with prior statement before it was made)
[UK: ˈaɪ nəʊ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ]

我守口如瓶 / shǒukǒurúpíng/ phrase

one's lips are sealed(I won't tell anyone)

我认为 / rènwéi/

methinks(it seems to me)
[UK: mɪ.ˈθɪŋks] [US: mɪ.ˈθɪŋks]

我的 / de/ pronoun

mine(that which belongs to me)
[UK: maɪn] [US: ˈmaɪn]

我的 / de/ determiner

my(belonging to me)
[UK: maɪ] [US: ˈmaɪ]

我... / .../

[UK: aɪm] [US: ˈaɪm]

我是 / shì/

[UK: aɪm] [US: ˈaɪm]

我单身 / dānshēn/ phrase

I'm singlephrase

我头痛 / tóutòng/ phrase

I have a headachephrase
[UK: ˈaɪ həv ə ˈhe.deɪk] [US: ˈaɪ həv ə ˈhe.ˌdek]

亲我 /qīn / phrase

kiss mephrase

另一个我 /lìngyīgè / noun

alter ego [alter egos](alternate personality or persona)
[UK: ˈæl.tərˈ.e.ɡəʊ] [US: ˈæl.tər.ˈe.ɡəʊ]

吻我 /wěn / phrase

kiss mephrase

相信我 /xiāngxìn / verb

take it from me(believe me)

自我 /zì / noun

ego [egos](the self)
[UK: ˈe.ɡəʊ] [US: ˈiːɡo.ʊ]

给我 /gěi / verb

give me(expression of preference)

jiù guò qù/ phrase

if the mountain won't come to Muhammad(if one cannot get something done by commanding it)

我牙疼 / yá téng/ phrase

I have a toothachephrase

我迷路了 / mílù le/ phrase

I'm lost(indicates that the speaker is unable to find his or her way)
[UK: aɪm lɒst] [US: ˈaɪm ˈlɒst]

我信基督教 / xìn jīdūjiào/ phrase

I'm a Christianphrase
[UK: aɪm ə ˈkrɪs.tʃən] [US: ˈaɪm ə ˈkrɪs.tʃən]

我要知道 / yào zhīdào/ phrase

I want to knowphrase

我感冒了 / gǎnmào le/ phrase

I have a coldphrase

我很担心 / hěn dānxīn/ phrase

I'm worried(Indicates that the speaker is worried)
[UK: aɪm ˈwʌ.rɪd] [US: ˈaɪm ˈwɜː.rid]

我二十岁 / èrshí suì/ phrase

I'm twenty years old(I am twenty years old)
[UK: aɪm ˈtwen.ti ˈjiəz əʊld] [US: ˈaɪm ˈtwen.ti ˈjɪr̩z oʊld]

我没兴趣 / méi xìngqù/ phrase

I'm not interestedphrase

我不明白 / bù míngbai/ phrase

I don't understandphrase
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt ˌʌn.də.ˈstænd] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˌʌn.dər.ˈstænd]

我离婚了 / líhūn le/ phrase

I'm divorcedphrase

我中弹了 / zhòngdàn le/ phrase

I've been shotphrase

我該怎麼辦? / gāi zěnmebàn?/ phrase

what should I do(what should I do?)

我不知道 / bù zhīdào/ phrase

I don't know(I don’t know)
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt nəʊ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈnoʊ]

我也是 / yě shì/ phrase

me too(I agree)
[UK: miː tuː] [US: ˈmiː ˈtuː]

我需要... / xūyào .../ phrase

I need ...(I need ... (something))

我想吐 / xiǎng tù/ phrase

I need to vomitphrase

我的世界 / de Shìjiè/ proper noun

Minecraft(the game Minecraft)
proper noun
[UK: mˈaɪnkraft] [US: mˈaɪnkræft]

我……岁 / ... suì/ phrase

I'm ... year(s) old(I am ... year(s) old)