Holland-Angol szótár »

noord angolul

Noord eigennam

Nord(French department)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔːd] [US: ˈnɔːrd]

Noord-Afrika eigennam

North Africa(the northern part of Africa)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ ˈæ.frɪk.ə] [US: ˈnɔːrθ ˈæ.frɪk.ə]

Noord-Afrikaan substantief

North African(native or inhabitant of North Africa)

Noord-Afrikaans bijvoeglijk naamwoord

North African(of or pertaining to North Africa)

Noord-Afrikaanse substantief

North African(native or inhabitant of North Africa)

Noord-Amerika eigennam

North America(continent)
proper noun

Noord-Amerikaan substantief

North American [North Americans](North American person)
[UK: nɔːθ ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən] [US: ˈnɔːrθ ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən]

Noord-Amerikaans bijvoeglijk naamwoord

North American(relating to North America)
[UK: nɔːθ ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən] [US: ˈnɔːrθ ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən]

Noord-Amerikaanse substantief

North American [North Americans](North American person)
[UK: nɔːθ ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən] [US: ˈnɔːrθ ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən]

Noord-Amerikaanse helmspecht substantief

pileated woodpecker [pileated woodpeckers](large North American woodpecker)
[UK: pˈɪliːˌeɪtɪd wˈʊdpekə] [US: pˈɪliːˌeɪɾᵻd wˈʊdpekɚ]

noord-Amerikaanse katfret substantief

ringtail [ringtails](Bassariscus astutus)
[UK: ˈrɪŋ.teɪl] [US: ˈrɪŋ.ˌteɪl]

Noord-Amerikaanse roerdomp substantief

American bittern(Botaurus lentiginosus)

Noord-Atlantisch bijvoeglijk naamwoord

North Atlantic(pertaining to the North Atlantic Ocean or locations adjacent to it)
[UK: nɔːθ ət.ˈlæn.tɪk] [US: ˈnɔːrθ əˈt.læn.tɪk]

Noord-Atlantische Oceaan eigennam

North Atlantic(north portion of Atlantic Ocean)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ ət.ˈlæn.tɪk] [US: ˈnɔːrθ əˈt.læn.tɪk]

Noord-Brabant eigennam

North Brabant(province)
proper noun

Noord-Carolina eigennam

North Carolina(state of the United States)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ ˌkæ.rə.ˈlaɪ.nə] [US: ˈnɔːrθ ˌke.rə.ˈlaɪ.nə]

Noord-Cyprus eigennam

Northern Cyprus(a de-facto state)
proper noun

Noord-Dakota eigennam

North Dakota(state of the United States of America)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ dəˈk.əʊ.tə] [US: ˈnɔːrθ dəˈko.ʊ.tə]

Noord-Europa eigennam

Northern Europe(sociopolitical region of Europe)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˈjʊə.rəp] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˈjʊ.rəp]

Noord-Europeaan substantief

Northern European(Northern European person)
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˌjʊə.rə.ˈpɪən] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˌjʊ.rə.ˈpiːən]

Noord-Europees bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Northern Europeanadjective
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˌjʊə.rə.ˈpɪən] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˌjʊ.rə.ˈpiːən]

Noord-Europese substantief

Northern European(Northern European person)
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˌjʊə.rə.ˈpɪən] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˌjʊ.rə.ˈpiːən]

Noord-Germaans eigennam

North Germanic(branch of Germanic language family)
proper noun

Noord-Holland eigennam

North Holland(province of the Netherlands)
proper noun

Noord-Ierland eigennam

Northern Ireland(a country in the United Kingdom, situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˈaɪə.lənd] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˈaɪər.lənd]

Noord-Iers substantief

Northern Irish(relating to Northern Ireland)

Noord-Karelië eigennam

North Karelia(region and county of Finland)
proper noun

Noord-Korea eigennam

North Korea(a country in East Asia whose territory consists of the northern part of Korea)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ kə.ˈrɪə] [US: ˈnɔːrθ kɒ.ˈriːə]

Noord-Koreaan substantief

North Korean(person from North Korea)
[UK: nɔːθ kə.ˈrɪən] [US: ˈnɔːrθ kɒ.ˈriːən]

Noord-Koreaans bijvoeglijk naamwoord

North Korean(pertaining to North Korea)
[UK: nɔːθ kə.ˈrɪən] [US: ˈnɔːrθ kɒ.ˈriːən]

Noord-Koreaanse substantief

North Korean(person from North Korea)
[UK: nɔːθ kə.ˈrɪən] [US: ˈnɔːrθ kɒ.ˈriːən]

Noord-Macedonië eigennam

North Macedonia(country in Europe)
proper noun

Noord-Oost-Engeland eigennam

North East(region of England)
proper noun

Noord-Rhodesië eigennam

Northern Rhodesia(former name of what is now Zambia)
proper noun

Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen eigennam

North Rhine-Westphalia(state)
proper noun
[UK: nɔːθ raɪn ˈwest.ˌfe.liə] [US: ˈnɔːrθ ˈraɪn ˈwest.ˌfe.liə]

Noord-Samisch eigennam

Northern Sami(most widely spoken Sami language)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˈsæ.mi] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˈsæ.mi]

noordelijk bijvoeglijk naamwoord

northern(facing, situated in or related to the north)
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn]

Noordelijk Territorium eigennam

Northern Territory(Territory in northern Australia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnɔː.ðən ˈte.rɪt.r̩i] [US: ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˈte.rə.ˌtɔː.ri]

noordelijke halfrond substantief

Northern Hemisphere(hemisphere to the north of its equator)

Noordelijke IJszee eigennam

Arctic Ocean(the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɑːk.tɪk ˈəʊʃ.n̩] [US: ˈɑːrk.tɪk ˈoʊʃ.n̩]