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लड़ना angolul


combat [combatted, combatting, combats]verb
[UK: ˈkɒm.bæt] [US: ˈkɑːm.bæt]

contest [contested, contesting, contests]verb
[UK: kən.ˈtest] [US: ˈkɑːn.test]

fight backverb
[UK: faɪt ˈbæk] [US: ˈfaɪt ˈbæk]

rumble [rumbled, rumbling, rumbles]verb
[UK: ˈrʌm.bl̩] [US: ˈrʌm.bl̩]

tussle [tussled, tussling, tussles]verb
[UK: ˈtʌs.l̩] [US: ˈtʌs.l̩]

wrestle [wrestled, wrestling, wrestles]verb
[UK: ˈres.l̩] [US: ˈres.l̩]

लड़ना, झगड़ना verb

fight [fought, fought, fighting, fights]((intransitive) to contend in physical conflict)
[UK: faɪt] [US: ˈfaɪt]

अन्त तक लड़ना

slog it outverb

कुश्ती लड़ना

wrestle [wrestled, wrestling, wrestles]verb
[UK: ˈres.l̩] [US: ˈres.l̩]

चुनाव लड़ना

contest [contested, contesting, contests]verb
[UK: kən.ˈtest] [US: ˈkɑːn.test]

जी जान से लड़ना

fight tooth and nailverb
[UK: faɪt tuːθ ənd neɪl] [US: ˈfaɪt ˈtuːθ ænd ˈneɪl]

जीत होने तक लड़ना

slug it outverb

पंजा लड़ना


पुनः चुनाव लड़ना

rerun [reran, rerun, rerunning, reruns]verb
[UK: ˈriː.rʌn] [US: ˈriː.ˈrən]

बचाव के लिए लड़ना

take up the cudgels forverb

take up the cudgels on behalf ofverb