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छोड़ देना/ध्यान न देना angolul

छोड़ देना

call a haltverb
[UK: kɔːl ə hɔːlt] [US: ˈkɒl ə ˈhɒlt]

[UK: tʃiːz] [US: ˈtʃiːz]

cut [cut, cut, cutting, cuts]verb
[UK: kʌt] [US: ˈkət]

dismiss [dismissed, dismissing, dismisses]verb
[UK: dɪz.ˈmɪs] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈsmɪs]

give a missverb

lay asideverb
[UK: leɪ ə.ˈsaɪd] [US: ˈleɪ ə.ˈsaɪd]

run out onverb

छोड़ देना verb

abandon [abandoned, abandoning, abandons](to leave behind or desert; to forsake)
[UK: ə.ˈbæn.dən] [US: ə.ˈbæn.dən]

desert [deserted, deserting, deserts](to abandon)
[UK: ˈdez.ət] [US: ˈdez.r̩t]

तुर्त छोड़ देना

get the hell outverb

get the hell out ofverb

पीछे छोड़ देना

outdistance [outdistanced, outdistancing, outdistances]verb
[UK: aʊt.ˈdɪ.stəns] [US: aʊt.ˈdɪ.stəns]

outstrip [outstripped, outstripping, outstrips]verb
[UK: ˌaʊt.ˈstrɪp] [US: aʊt.ˈstrɪp]

अक्षर छोड़ देना

clip [clipped, clipping, clips]verb
[UK: klɪp] [US: ˈklɪp]

घर छोड़ देना

move outverb
[UK: muːv ˈaʊt] [US: ˈmuːv ˈaʊt]

अलग छोड़ देना

reserve [reserved, reserving, reserves]verb
[UK: rɪ.ˈzɜːv] [US: rə.ˈzɝːv]

आशा छोड़ देना

give up as a bad jobverb

अकेला छोड़ देना

leave beverb

let aloneverb
[UK: let ə.ˈləʊn] [US: ˈlet əˈloʊn]

let beverb

गद्दी छोड़ देना

abdicate [abdicated, abdicating, abdicates]verb
[UK: ˈæb.dɪk.eɪt] [US: ˈæb.dəˌket]

renounce [renounced, renouncing, renounces]verb
[UK: rɪ.ˈnaʊns] [US: ˌrɪ.ˈnaʊns]

खुला छोड़ देना

give their headverb

let looseverb
[UK: let luːs] [US: ˈlet ˈluːs]

let loose onverb

सोचछोड़ देना

close mind toverb

छोड़ देना, त्यागा, छोड़ना verb

abandon [abandoned, abandoning, abandons](to give up control of, surrender)
[UK: ə.ˈbæn.dən] [US: ə.ˈbæn.dən]

रहम पर छोड़ देना

leave to the merciesverb

leave to the mercyverb

ऐसे ही छोड़ देना

leave well aloneverb

let well aloneverb

let well enough aloneverb

की आदत छोड़ देना

get out of the way ofverb

मँझदार में छोड़ देना

leave in the lurchverb
[UK: liːv ɪn ðə lɜːtʃ] [US: ˈliːv ɪn ðə ˈlɝːtʃ]

अपा साहस छोड़ देना

let goverb
[UK: let ɡəʊ] [US: ˈlet ˈɡoʊ]

फँसा कर छोड़ देना

strand [stranded, stranding, strands]verb
[UK: strænd] [US: ˈstrænd]

छोड़ देना/ध्यान देना

condone [condoned, condoning, condones]verb
[UK: kən.ˈdəʊn] [US: kənˈdoʊn]

के रहम पर छोड़ देना

leave to the mercies ofverb

leave to the mercy ofverb

झुण्ड बाकर छत्ता छोड़ देना

swarm [swarmed, swarming, swarms]verb
[UK: swɔːm] [US: ˈswɔːrm]

बचे की आशा छोड़ देना

give up for lostverb

बेक़ार समझ कर छोड़ देना

cast asideverb
[UK: kɑːst ə.ˈsaɪd] [US: ˈkæst ə.ˈsaɪd]

अपे आप पर छोड़ देना

leave to their own devicesverb

leave to themselvesverb

ुकूल समय में स्था छोड़ देना

get out while the going is goodverb

go while the going is goodverb
[UK: ɡəʊ waɪl ðə ˈɡəʊɪŋ ɪz ɡʊd] [US: ˈɡoʊ ˈwaɪl ðə ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈɪz ˈɡʊd]

leave while the going is goodverb

िर्जन द्वीप में अकेले छोड़ देना

maroon [marooned, marooning, maroons]verb
[UK: mə.ˈruːn] [US: mə.ˈruːn]

पोत छोड़ देना, पोत छोड़ना, पोत त्यागverb

abandon ship(to leave or forsake a ship due to its impending doom)

िर्जन द्वीप में अकेले छोड़ देना

maroon [marooned, marooning, maroons]verb
[UK: mə.ˈruːn] [US: mə.ˈruːn]