Francia-Angol szótár »

terre angolul

Terre nom {f}

Earth◼◼◼(third planet of the Solar System)
proper noun
[UK: ɜːθ] [US: ˈɝːθ]
The earth rotates. = La Terre tourne.

globe [globes]◼◼◻(planet Earth)
[UK: ɡləʊb] [US: ɡloʊb]
The globe is similar in shape to an orange. = La Terre a une forme similaire à celle d'une orange.

terre nom {f}

soil [soils]◼◼◼(country or territory)
[UK: sɔɪl] [US: sɔɪl]
They were plowing their soil. = Elles labouraient leur terre.

soil [soils]◼◼◼(mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants)
[UK: sɔɪl] [US: sɔɪl]
They were plowing their soil. = Elles labouraient leur terre.

soil [soils]◼◼◼(mixture of sand and organic material)
[UK: sɔɪl] [US: sɔɪl]
They were plowing their soil. = Elles labouraient leur terre.

soil [soils]◼◼◼(unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth)
[UK: sɔɪl] [US: sɔɪl]
They were plowing their soil. = Elles labouraient leur terre.

ground [grounds]◼◼◼(electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential)
[UK: ɡraʊnd] [US: ˈɡraʊnd]
I slept on the ground. = J'ai dormi par terre.

ground [grounds]◼◼◼(electrical point of zero potential)
[UK: ɡraʊnd] [US: ˈɡraʊnd]
I slept on the ground. = J'ai dormi par terre.

ground [grounds]◼◼◼(soil, earth)
[UK: ɡraʊnd] [US: ˈɡraʊnd]
I slept on the ground. = J'ai dormi par terre.

ground [grounds]◼◼◼(surface of the Earth)
[UK: ɡraʊnd] [US: ˈɡraʊnd]
I slept on the ground. = J'ai dormi par terre.

dirt◼◼◼(soil or earth)
[UK: dɜːt] [US: ˈdɝːt]
Don't throw dirt clods! = Ne jetez pas des mottes de terre !

globe [globes]◼◼◻(planet Earth)
[UK: ɡləʊb] [US: ɡloʊb]
The globe is similar in shape to an orange. = La Terre a une forme similaire à celle d'une orange.

-land◼◻◻(territory, country or region (suffix))

terre & mer nom

surf and turfnoun
[UK: sɜːf ənd tɜːf] [US: ˈsɝːf ænd ˈtɝːf]

terre Adélie nom {f}

Adélie Land◼◼◼(one of the five French Southern and Antarctic Lands)
proper noun

terre battue nom {f}

clay [clays]◼◼◼(tennis court surface)
[UK: kleɪ] [US: ˈkleɪ]

claycourt(tennis court)

terre brûlée nom {f}

scorched earth◼◼◼noun
[UK: skɔːtʃt ɜːθ] [US: ˈskɔːrtʃt ˈɝːθ]

terre cuite nom

terracotta [terracottas]◼◼◼(hard red-brown earthenware)
[UK: ˌte.rəˈk.ɒ.tə] [US: ˌte.rəˈk.ɒ.tə]

terre d'Arnhem nom {f}

Arnhem Land◼◼◼(region in the Northern Territory, Australia)
proper noun

terre d'infusoires nom

diatomaceous earth◼◼◼(soil consisting of siliceous diatom remains)
[UK: dˌaɪətəmˈeɪʃəs ˈɜːθ] [US: dˌaɪəɾəmˈeɪʃəs ˈɜːθ]

Terre de Baffin nom {f}

Baffin Island◼◼◼(island)
proper noun
[UK: bˈafɪn ˈaɪlənd] [US: bˈæfɪn ˈaɪlənd]

Terre de Feu nom {f}

Tierra del Fuego◼◼◼(archipelago between Chile and Argentina)
proper noun
[UK: tɪˈeərə dˈel fwˈeɪɡəʊ] [US: tɪˈerə dˈel fwˈeɪɡoʊ]

Terre des Fleurs nom propre

Flowery Kingdom(China)
proper noun
[UK: ˈflaʊə.ri ˈkɪŋ.dəm] [US: ˈflaʊə.ri ˈkɪŋ.dəm]

terre diatomée nom

diatomaceous earth◼◼◼(soil consisting of siliceous diatom remains)
[UK: dˌaɪətəmˈeɪʃəs ˈɜːθ] [US: dˌaɪəɾəmˈeɪʃəs ˈɜːθ]

Terre du Milieu nom {f}

Middle-earth◼◼◼(fictional place on Earth where most of the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien are set)
proper noun
[UK: ˈmɪd.l̩ ɜːθ] [US: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈɝːθ]

terre en friche nom {f}

waste [wastes]◼◼◼(waste land, desolate region)
[UK: weɪst] [US: ˈweɪst]

terre en vue interjection

land ahoy◼◼◼(interjection shouted by the ship's watch)

terre et mer nom

surf and turf◼◼◼noun
[UK: sɜːf ənd tɜːf] [US: ˈsɝːf ænd ˈtɝːf]

terre François-Joseph nom {f}

Franz Josef Land◼◼◼(archipelago in Russia)
proper noun

terre grasse nom {f}

loam [loams]◼◼◼(type of soil)
[UK: ləʊm] [US: loʊm]

terre inconnue nom {f}

terra incognita◼◼◼(unknown land)

Terre-Mère nom {f}

Mother Earth◼◼◼(personification of Earth)
proper noun
[UK: ˈmʌð.ə(r) ɜːθ] [US: ˈmʌð.r̩ ˈɝːθ]

terre natale nom {f}

homeland [homelands]◼◼◼(one's country of birth)
[UK: ˈhəʊm.lænd] [US: ˈhoʊm.lænd]

terre natale nom

native soil◼◼◻(homeland)
[UK: ˈneɪ.tɪv sɔɪl] [US: ˈneɪ.tɪv sɔɪl]

terre-neuve nom

Newfoundland [Newfoundlands]◼◼◼(dog)
[UK: ˈnjuː.fən.lənd] [US: ˈnuː.fənd.lənd]

Terre-Neuve nom {f}

Newfoundland◼◼◼(Island off the coast of Eastern Canada)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnjuː.fən.lənd] [US: ˈnuː.fənd.lənd]

Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador nom {f}

Newfoundland and Labrador◼◼◼(Province in eastern Canada)
proper noun

terre-plein nom {m}

divider [dividers]◼◼◼(median of a highway)
[UK: dɪ.ˈvaɪ.də(r)] [US: dɪ.ˈvaɪ.dər]

terre-plein central nom

median [medians]◼◼◼(area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic)
[UK: ˈmiː.dɪən] [US: ˈmiː.diən]