Francia-Angol szótár »

au pied angolul

au pied interjection

to heel◼◼◼(order not to stray far)

au pied de la lettre adverbe

to the letter◼◼◼(idiomatic for "literally", following the rules as they're written)
[UK: tuː ðə ˈle.tə(r)] [US: ˈtuː ðə ˈle.tər]

au pied de la lettre preposition

by the book◼◻◻preposition
[UK: baɪ ðə bʊk] [US: baɪ ðə ˈbʊk]

au pied du mur adjectif

up against the wall◼◼◼adjective

démarreur au pied nom {m}

kick start(metal bar on motorcycle)
[UK: ˈkɪk stɑːt] [US: ˈkɪk ˈstɑːrt]

prendre au pied de la lettre verbe

take someone at their word(take someone literally even though they may not have been serious)

épine au pied nom {f}

thorn in the flesh(persistent difficulty)

épine au pied nom {m}

pain in the ass(something that causes discomfort)
[UK: peɪn ɪn ðə æs] [US: ˈpeɪn ɪn ðə ˈæs]

épine au pied (thorn in the foot) nom {f}

thorn in someone's sidenoun