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kings meaning in French

Kings (book of the Bible)
proper noun
[UK: kɪŋz]
[US: ˈkɪŋz]

Rois◼◼◼nom propre
Kings have long arms. = Les rois ont de longs bras.

king [kings] (a playing card with the image of a king in it)
[UK: kɪŋ]
[US: ˈkɪŋ]

roi◼◼◼nom {m}A king rules. = Un roi règne.

king [kings] (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation)
[UK: kɪŋ]
[US: ˈkɪŋ]

roi◼◼◼nom {m}A king rules. = Un roi règne.

king [kings] (a playing piece in chess)
[UK: kɪŋ]
[US: ˈkɪŋ]

roi◼◼◼nom {m}A king rules. = Un roi règne.

king [kings] ((draughts, checkers) a piece that reached the farthest row forward)
[UK: kɪŋ]
[US: ˈkɪŋ]

dame◼◼◻nom {f}The chess pieces are: king, queen, bishop, knight, rook and pawn. = Les pièces d'échecs sont : roi, dame, fou, cavalier, tour et pion.

kingship (state of being a king)
[UK: ˈkɪŋ.ʃɪp]
[US: ˈkɪŋ.ˌʃɪp]

royauté◼◼◼nom {f}

Kingstown (capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkɪŋzˌtaʊn]
[US: ˈkɪŋzˌtaʊn]

Kingstown◼◼◼nom {f}

1 Kings (book of the Bible)
proper noun

1 Rois◼◼◼nom propreKings have long arms. = Les rois ont de longs bras.

2 Kings (book of the Bible)
proper noun

2 Rois◼◼◼nom propreKings have long arms. = Les rois ont de longs bras.

backing [backings] (material added behind or underneath)
[UK: ˈbækɪŋ]
[US: ˈbækɪŋ]



booking [bookings] (reservation for a service)
[UK: ˈbʊkɪŋ]
[US: ˈbʊkɪŋ]

réservation◼◼◼nom {f}I'd like to cancel my booking. = J'aimerais annuler ma réservation.

booking [bookings] (sports: issuing of a caution)
[UK: ˈbʊkɪŋ]
[US: ˈbʊkɪŋ]

réserve◼◼◻nom {f}

inner workings noun

rouages◼◼◼nom {m pl}

king of kings (king who has other kings as subjects, see also: shahanshah)

roi des rois◼◼◼nom

licking [lickings] (an act of licking)
[UK: ˈlɪkɪŋ]
[US: ˈlɪkɪŋ]

léchage◼◼◼nom {m}

milking [milkings] (the act by which a cow is milked)
[UK: ˈmɪlkɪŋ]
[US: ˈmɪlkɪŋ]

traite◼◼◼nom {f}When is the next milking session? = Quelle heure sera la prochaine séance de traite ?

mulsion◼◻◻nom {f}

nitpicking [nitpickings] (any process of finding or pointing out tiny details or errors)
[UK: ˈnɪt.ˌpɪkɪŋ]
[US: ˈnɪt.ˌpɪkɪŋ]

pinaillage◼◼◼nom {m}

pointilleux◼◼◻nom {m}

ergotage◼◻◻nom {m}

chicane◼◻◻nom {f}

pinaillerienom {f}

pédanterienom {f}

ranking [rankings] (placement in a list)
[UK: ˈræŋkɪŋ]
[US: ˈræŋkɪŋ]

classement◼◼◼nom {m}

spanking [spankings] (an incident of such an act, also in a non-punitive context)
[UK: ˈspæŋkɪŋ]
[US: ˈspæŋkɪŋ]

fessée◼◼◼nom {f}

spanking [spankings] (form of physical punishment)
[UK: ˈspæŋkɪŋ]
[US: ˈspæŋkɪŋ]

fessée◼◼◼nom {f}

stocking [stockings] (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock))
[UK: ˈstɒkɪŋ]
[US: ˈstɑːkɪŋ]

bas◼◼◼nom {m}Fudge! My stocking's run. = Mince ! Mon bas est filé !

undertaking [undertakings] (That which is undertaken)
[UK: ˌʌn.də.ˈteɪkɪŋ]
[US: ˈʌn.dər.ˌtekɪŋ]

entreprise◼◼◼nom {f}He is sure of succeeding in his undertaking. = Il est sûr de réussir dans son entreprise.

Valley of the Kings (Egyptian valley known for its tombs)
proper noun

Vallée des rois◼◼◼nom {f}

Viking [Vikings] (One of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors)
[UK: ˈvaɪkɪŋ]
[US: ˈvaɪkɪŋ]

viking◼◼◼nom {m}In the time of the Vikings, Greenland was a lot greener than it is today. = Au temps des vikings, le Groenland était beaucoup plus vert qu'aujourd'hui.

working [workings] (method of operation)
[UK: ˈwɜːk.ɪŋ]
[US: ˈwɝːk.ɪŋ]

fonctionnement◼◼◼nom {m}Everything is in perfect working order. = Tout est en parfait état de fonctionnement.

working [workings] noun
[UK: ˈwɜːk.ɪŋ]
[US: ˈwɝːk.ɪŋ]

fonctionnement◼◼◼nom {m}Everything is in perfect working order. = Tout est en parfait état de fonctionnement.